OpenBB-finance / backend-for-terminal-pro

Backend template to bring your own data into the OpenBB Terminal Pro

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Backend examples for the OpenBB Terminal Pro


Spinning up an OpenBB API is a versatile way to host your data and integrate it into widgets. Whether hosted internally or externally, this method provides a standardized API structure that Pro widgets can effortlessly connect to.

Note: Most of the examples provided use Python FastAPI due to our familiarity with the library, but the same could be done utilizing different languages.

The Main tenants are:

  1. Data returned should be in JSON non-nested format.

Example :

  "color": "red",
  "value": "#f00"
  "color": "green",
  "value": "#0f0"
  1. Ensure that you have a well-structured widgets.json file. This file defines widget properties such as name, description, category, type, endpoint, and other information needed. Each widget needs to be defined in this file – You can find the format in any of the templates folder with a detailed definition below.

  2. API - If hosting locally you must enable CORS and have an endpoint available that will return the widgets.json file.

Supported Integrations and Templates

Each Integration below has its folder which contains an example of a different implementation.

Integration Description
Snowflake Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform. (Deprecated : Use Native Integration)
ClickHouse ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented DBMS.
Supabase Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative.
MindsDB MindsDB is an open-source AI layer for existing databases.
ElasticSearch Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library.
Readfile This integration allows reading data directly from a file.
Public This integration allows fetching data from public APIs.
Plotly Plotly is a Python graphing library for interactive graphs.

Getting Started

  1. Go into the folder you want to test

  2. Read the file with instructions

  3. Run uvicorn main:app --port 5050

(add an image of what it looks like in the console)

  1. Add steps for Data Connectors in the Terminal Pro

(add steps according to Terminal Pro)

Code explained

This is responsible for running the FastAPI with endpoints that will be consumed by the Terminal Pro.

This file:

  • Enables cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and configures it according to the domain where FastAPI is running and the Terminal Pro link.

  • Initializes FastAPI with app = FastAPI()

  • Ensures that there's a /widgets.json file that the OpenBB Terminal Pro can use to configure the widgets configured

def get_widgets():
    """Widgets configuration file for the OpenBB Terminal Pro"""
    file_path = "widgets.json"
    with open(file_path, "r") as file:
        data = json.load(file)
    return JSONResponse(content=data)
  • Creates remaining endpoints that retrieve data that will be consumed by the Terminal Pro


This contains the settings for all the widgets that the backend contains.

This file is a dictionary, and each dictionary within represents a widget with different configurations that can be passed.

You must ensure that in your widget.json you pass the three required fields - everything else is optional but allows for more configuration.

Also note that the key must be unique.

  "financial_data_from_supabase": { // must be unique in your widgets.json
    "name": "Financial data supabase", // required
    "description": "Financial data from supabase", // required
    "endpoint": "financial_data_from_supabase", // required
    "category": "economy", // optional
    "searchCategory": "economy", // optional
    "gridData": { // optional
      "w": 20,
      "h": 5

Passing Params (Table Only)

To pass params in the widget you can check out he example below :

You can see we set our endpoint to take the symbol param and then handle it to pass to the API (In our example we hit a unique endpoint but the url request ultimately looks like this against our api /get_options?symbol=AMZN )

In our :

def get_options(symbol: str):
    """Get options data"""

    response = requests.get(f'{symbol}')

    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.json()
        return data

And in our widgets.json :

  "get_options": {
    "name": "Options Data",
    "description": "Options Data from Source",
    "category": "options",
    "searchCategory": "options",
    "widgetType": "options",
    "params": { "symbol": "", "optional": { "interval": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] } }, //interval isn't needed here just showing other ways to pass more params
    // another example is "params": { "symbol": "", "date": "string" }, - which gives you a date picker to send
    // note - symbol and date are passed outside of optional
    "endpoint": "get_options",
    "gridData": {
      "w": 20,
      "h": 5
    "data": {
      "table": {
        "showAll": true, // show all data from the resp in a table
        "index": "symbol" // name of the field for the index

This then allows us to use the pass the ticker to the endpoint along with any other optional params you need.

Each widget will have the following properties:

  // required properties
  "name": "string", // Name of the widget in the list the user sees. Displayed on top left of widget.
  "description": "string", // Description to show to the user on the info button and on the search/add widget menu.
  "endpoint": "string", // Endpoint for the widget data.
  // optional properties
  "category": "string", // Category to show the widget under the widget search. If you pass a category we don't have it will make one. Default : My Widgets
  "sub_category": "string", // Sub category to show in the widget search. Default : None
  "source": ["source"], // sources for the advanced widget - you can pass multiple here
  "gridData": {
    // Grid data configuration for the widget. How large you want the widget to be on initial render
    "x": 0, // Horizontal grid position.
    "y": 0, // Vertical grid position.
    "w": 0, // Width for the widget in the grid.
    "h": 0, // Height for the widget in the grid.
    "minH": 0, // Minimum height.
    "minW": 0, // Minimum width.
    "maxH": 0, // Maximum height.
    "maxW": 0, // Maximum width.
    "static": false, // Indicates if the widget is static and cannot be moved. Default : false
    "isDraggable": true // Specifies if the widget can be dragged. Default : true
  "storage": {
    // Storage for the widget that doesn't fit in the other fields.
    "key": "value"
  "defaultViz" : "table", // Default visualization for the widget. Can be one of table or chart (default : table)
  "type": "string", // Main widget type (chart, table, note, custom).
  "widgetId": "string", // Identifier for the specific widget instance. Used to map with openbb ui widgets.
  "data": {
    "dataKey": "string", // Key for the data.
    "table": {
      // Configurations for the Table
      "enableCharts": true, // Allow charting to work from the widget table (default: true)
      "showAll": true, // Indicates if all data should be shown.
      "transpose": true, // Indicates if the table should be transposed.
      "columnsDefs": [
          // Configuration for table columns.
          "field": "string", // Field name from the JSON data.
          "headerName": "string", // Header name for the column.
          "chartDataType": "string", // Chart data type (category, series, time, excluded).
          "cellDataType": "string", // Cell data type (text, number, boolean, date, dateString, object).
          "formatterFn": "string", // Formatter function (int, bigInt, etc.).
          "renderFn": "string", // Render function (green, red, titleCase, etc.).
          "width": 0, // Width of the column.
          "hide": true, // Indicates if the column should be hidden.
      "mode": "string", // Display mode for the table (light, dark).
      "density": "string", // Density mode for the table (compact, default).
    "chart": {
      // Chart instance that hits a callback for the JSON data.
      "callback": "string" // Callback function for the chart.
  "endpointMethod": "GET", // Endpoint method (GET, POST).
  "endpointHeaders": [
      // Endpoint headers.
      "key": "string",
      "value": "string"
  "params": {
    // URL params to send to the endpoint (e.g., callback endpoint in "analyst_upgrades_downgrades").
    "key": "value"


Some browsers (Safari) or applications (Excel on Mac) require HTTPS to be enabled to fetch data from an API.

To enable HTTPS in your local environment, follow these steps:

  1. Install mkcert.
  2. cd into the backend you will be using, e.g. cd snowflake_python.
  3. Run mkcert localhost ::1. This will create localhost+2.pem and localhost+2-key.pem files in the current directory.
  4. Run uvicorn main:app --port 5050 --ssl-keyfile=localhost+2-key.pem --ssl-certfile=localhost+2.pem --reload to start the server with HTTPS enabled.


Backend template to bring your own data into the OpenBB Terminal Pro


Language:Python 100.0%