Op27 / twitter-automation

This project automates the posting of inspiring phrases from famous people to a Twitter account. It uses Make.com to connect Google Sheets, where the phrases are stored, to Twitter, enabling scheduled tweets and efficient social media management.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Twitter Automation for Inspiring Phrases


This project automates the posting of inspiring phrases from famous people to a Twitter account. It uses Make.com to connect Google Sheets, where the phrases are stored, to Twitter, enabling scheduled tweets and efficient social media management.

Technologies Used

  • Make.com for workflow automation
  • Google Sheets for storing tweet data
  • Twitter API for posting tweets

Problem Statement

Consistent engagement on Twitter requires regular posting, which can be time-consuming and requires daily attention. This project aims to automate the process, ensuring a steady stream of quality content with minimal manual intervention.

Solution Overview

The solution involves a Make.com automation that triggers tweets based on a schedule defined in a Google Sheet. Each row in the sheet contains a quote, the name of the person who said it, and the scheduled posting time. The automation checks for new entries and posts them to Twitter accordingly.

How It Works

  1. Google Sheets Setup: A spreadsheet is set up with columns for the quote, author, and scheduled posting time.
  2. Make.com Automation: The automation is configured to watch for new rows in the Google Sheet and post the content to Twitter at the specified times.
  3. Twitter Posting: Tweets are automatically created and posted to the configured Twitter account according to the schedule.

Setup and Installation

To replicate this project, you'll need:

  1. A Google Sheets document with your content.
  2. A Make.com account to create the automation.
  3. Access to the Twitter API by creating a Twitter developer account and setting up an application.

Sample: List of contents created in Google Sheets
Sample Google Sheet

Sample: Scenario applied in Make.com
Scenario applied for Make com

Challenges and Solutions

Date and Time Formatting: Ensuring the date and time in Google Sheets match Twitter's requirements was solved by using the ISO 8601 format directly in the spreadsheet.

Future Enhancements

  • Expanding the content library with more quotes.
  • Automating the contents generation by connecting with AI text generators, e.g. ChatGPT
  • Including images with tweets.
  • Analyzing tweet engagement to optimize posting times.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


This project automates the posting of inspiring phrases from famous people to a Twitter account. It uses Make.com to connect Google Sheets, where the phrases are stored, to Twitter, enabling scheduled tweets and efficient social media management.

License:MIT License