OnfireNetwork / OnsetJavaPlugin

Call Java methods from lua!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Authors: JanHolger, Digital


  • Create JVMs.
  • Communicate between Lua <-> Java.


Interested in writing your entire gamemode in java? You can use our language framework with tons of features running on top of this plugin!


  1. Get OnsetJavaPlugin and place it in your plugins directory. Windows: Download OnsetJavaPlugin.dll from Releases (HERE). Linux: Make sure to have the latest versions of cmake and gcc/g++ or any other compiler that is cmake compatible and capable of building CXX17. The debian and ubuntu versions we tried for building didn't come with compatible versions in their package sources. You might need to manually install those. We recommend to do that on an unused vm as changing the gcc/g++ version might break some of your installed software packages. Then git clone https://github.com/OnfireNetwork/OnsetJavaPlugin, cd OnsetJavaPlugin, cmake . and make for building.
  2. Ensure Java 8 JDK/JRE 64bit is installed.
  3. Enable "OnsetJavaPlugin" as a plugin inside server_config.json.

Compiling from source

Ubuntu 18.04
# Compiling the plugin requires GCC8 because of <filesystem> usage.

apt install openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre maven gcc-8 g++-8

export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-8
export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-8

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/OnfireNetwork/OnsetJavaPlugin
cd OnsetJavaPlugin
cmake .

# Copy src/OnsetJavaPlugin.so to your OnsetServer/plugins folder.
Compiling OnsetJavaPluginSupport
cd OnsetJavaPluginSupport
mvn package

# Copy OnsetJavaPluginSupport/target/OnsetJavaPluginSupport-1.0.jar to your OnsetServer/java folder.

Data Types we support

Method Parameters

  • Lua String -> String (java.lang.String)
  • Lua Int -> Integer (java.lang.Integer)
  • Lua Number -> Double (java.lang.Double)
  • Lua Bool -> Boolean (java.lang.Boolean)
  • Lua Table -> Map (java.util.HashMap)
  • Lua Function -> LuaFunction (lua.LuaFunction, lua function support interface required)

Return Values

  • String (java.lang.String)
  • Integer (java.lang.Integer)
  • Double (java.lang.Double)
  • Boolean (java.lang.Boolean)
  • List (java.util.List)
  • Map (java.util.Map)

We will be adding more data types later on.

Using the lua function support interface



public static void example(LuaFunction fn){
    fn.call("Hello from Java!");
    fn.close(); // Always call this when you don't need the function anymore to free memory


CallJavaStaticMethod(java, "example/Example", "example", "(Llua/LuaFunction;)V", function(msg)

Lua Functions


Create a new JVM with a jar. Returns JVM ID.

local jvmID = CreateJava(path)
  • path Classpath for the jvm. This parameter is optional. When not provided it will include the "java" directory aswell as all jar files inside or "." when "java" doesn't exist.


Destroy a JVM.

  • jvmID ID to the JVM you have created using CreateJava.


Call a java static method. Can return information from the Java method, check out Data Types for the types we currently support.

local dataFromJava = CallJavaStaticMethod(jvmID, className, methodName, methodSignature, args...)
  • jvmID ID to the JVM you have created using CreateJava. Example: 1
  • className Class name of the class you want to call a method in, must include package path as well. Example: dev/joseph/Test (dev.joseph.Test).
  • methodName Static method name you want to call. Example: returnTestInt
  • methodSignature Signature of the method you want to call. Example: (Ljava/lang/Integer;)I
  • args (Optional) Pass arguments into the method.


Links a Java class so the native methods below can be used.

LinkJavaAdapter(jvmID, className)
  • jvmID ID to the JVM you have created using CreateJava. Example: 1
  • className Class name of the class you want to call a method in, must include package path as well. Example: dev/joseph/Adapter (dev.joseph.Adapter).

Java Native Methods

You can use a native adapter to call lua functions.

package example;
public class Adapter {
    public native static void callEvent(String event, Object... args);
    public native static Object[] callGlobalFunction(String packageName, String functionName, Object... args);
LinkJavaAdapter(java, "example/Adapter")



Adapter.callEvent("testCallEvent", "hi", Integer.valueOf(123), Boolean.valueOf(true));


AddEvent('testCallEvent', function(s,i,b)


Make sure to use this method only on the main thread. Using it outside the mainthread can result in unexpected behavior.

Adapter.callGlobalFunction("AddPlayerChatAll", "Hello World");


Call Java methods from lua!



Language:C++ 88.6%Language:CMake 10.8%Language:Java 0.6%