OndrejLou / PortfolioProject-COVID-19

This repository presents a comprehensive collection of data, queries, and visualizations focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic. It's designed to provide a multi-faceted view of the pandemic's impact globally, encompassing various aspects such as infection rates, mortality, testing, and vaccination efforts.

Home Page:https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ond.ej.loukota/viz/Covid-19_17051428497770/Dashboard1?publish=yes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

COVID-19 Data Analysis Repository

About the Dataset

This repository utilizes the COVID-19 dataset provided by Our World in Data, available at https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths. The dataset is comprehensive, encompassing global statistics on COVID-19 cases, deaths, testing, and vaccinations. It serves as a vital resource for in-depth analysis and visualization of the pandemic's progression and impact.

SQL Queries for Data Preprocessing and Analysis

Included in this repository are SQL queries that serve multiple purposes:

  • Data Preprocessing: Cleansing, filtering, and preparing raw data for analysis.
  • Data Analysis: Aggregating data to summarize trends, calculate rates, and derive insights. These queries are essential for transforming the dataset into a structured format suitable for visualization.

Tableau Dashboard and Visualizations

The Tableau dashboard provides a visual representation of the COVID-19 data:

  • Static Visualizations: Presenting key metrics such as total cases, death counts, and infection rates across various regions.

  • Analytical Charts: Comparative analysis of the data by continent and country.

  • Trend Analysis: Visual representation of the infection trend over time. The dashboard captures a snapshot of the pandemic's current state and historical progression, offering a clear and concise visual narrative.

  • View Tableau project details on Tableau Public

Dashboard COVID-19 Global Impact


This repository presents a comprehensive collection of data, queries, and visualizations focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic. It's designed to provide a multi-faceted view of the pandemic's impact globally, encompassing various aspects such as infection rates, mortality, testing, and vaccination efforts.
