Omkar's repositories


Create a class named „Worker‟ having the following members: Sname, Sage, Sphone number ,Saddress, Ssalary.It also has a method named 'displaySalary' which displays the salary of the members. Two classes 'Employee' and 'Manager' inherit the „Worker‟ class. The 'Employee' and 'Manager' classes have data members 'Work specialization' and 'department' respectively. Now, assign name, age, phone number, address and salary to an employee and a manager by making an object of both of these classes and print the same.



Some basic java programs for example Assci value, Factorial, even odd, fibonanci etc.



Check Pdf file for stars and match the number with program name (number) you will get the program of that pattern.


Simple web page is created using HTML and CSS for online Toy Store.



Write a program and perform the following steps: Create a class AccountManagement containing following methods: insertData() to insert account details of customers, displayData() to display account details depositAmount() to deposit amount of customer withdrawAmount() to withdraw amount accountBalance() to checkbalance in customer's account. The methods should execute as per their specification.



Given the cipher text and the key used, the program should print the original text message. Ex- applepine, 5 Result- pineapple.



An organization provides Diwali bonus of 35% to their employees. If the year of service of that employee is more than 5 years and gives Diwali bonus of 15% to the employees if the year of service is less than 5 years. Now Create a class and its respective methods to enter the data from the user and calculate total salary of the employee.



In this proposed system the application developed is a game which is endless runner genre type. Developed on Unreal Engine 4.



Write a program to generate and handle ArrayIndexOutOfBound Exception using try catch.



Define an abstract class named Shape that contains an empty method named numberOfSides().Define three classes named Trapezoid, Triangle and Hexagon such that each one of the classes extends the class. Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method numberOfSides() that displays the number of given geometrical figure. Demonstrate how the trapezoid, triangle and hexagon classes can be instantiated and their methods can be tested.



Create a class Vehicle with member variables: String Color, int wheelCount ,int gearsCount. Initialize these variables by giving values. Create another constructor which takes 2 arguments(Color and gearsCount), calls the default constructor using this () and has a SOP in it displaying the color, number of wheels in the Vehicle and number of gears in the vehicle. In main method, create an object of type Vehicle by using default constructor. Note the output. Create another object of type Vehicle by using the parameterized constructor. Note the sequence of data indicating that inner most constructors are called first.
