OmerHanan1 / ApiProject

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ApiProject -

Media Recording Ramp-Up

1. Project goals:

  • CRUD API implementation
  • Using design patterns such as mediator pattern, Strategy and so
  • working with git, connect to database (local and external).

2. Design principles implemented on this project: loose coupling, strategy (dependency injection implementation), MVC architecture.

3. API functionalities:

3.1. GET (all)
3.2. GET (by id)
3.3. PUT 
3.4. POST
3.5. DELETE (by id)

4. Tools used:

4.1. VS
4.2. Git
4.3. Postman
4.4. MongoDB.

Instructions for using local repository:


Instructions for using Mongo (ontop docker):


Instructions for using CosmosDB (locally ontop CosmosDB desktop emulator)
