Omar-Abdelazeem / IWS-Modelling-Methods-Repo

This repository introduces a python package for hydraulic simulation of Intermittent Water Supply Networks using eight distinct methods and is associated with the publication [PLACEHOLDER]

Repository from Github https://github.comOmar-Abdelazeem/IWS-Modelling-Methods-RepoRepository from Github https://github.comOmar-Abdelazeem/IWS-Modelling-Methods-Repo


This repo is associated with the publication titled "How to Model Intermittent Water Supply: Comparing Modelling Choices and Their Impact on Inequality"


Required Packages

The notebooks in this repository use the following packages, make sure that these packages are installed within the environment used to run these files:
WNTR Water Network Tool For Resilience: Used to run EPANET files
PYSWMM Used to Run EPA-SWMM files
timeit For timing execution of input files
re for using regular expressions
matplotlib For plotting and visualisation


IWSModelling is the Python package we developed to create, execute and process IWS EPANET and EPA-SWMM files using any of the eight methods we compared in our synthesis of existing IWS modelling methods. For details on the package and using it, see the file in the package directory
Running Methods Contains annotated Jupyter notebooks for running prepared .inp files for all modelling methods that explain in detail how we execute and process the output of the input files in the IWSModelling package
Conversion Files Contains annotated notebooks for converting .inp files of "normal" EPANET files into .inp files of selected methods that explain in detail procedures we follow to convert input files in the IWSModelling package
Network Files Contains all the EPANET and EPA-SWMM .inp files for the 3 networks, with 8 methods each, using 2 supply durations each (48 total files)
Reproducing-Figures-Tables Contains scripts used to generate the figures in the paper


In this directory, you'll the python package iws_modelling, a README file with information on the package, as well as some examples on using the package.
The package's functions perform the same tasks as the notebooks in Conversion-Files and Running-Methods but in a more direct, regular-use-friendly way.
Thus if you're just using our code to model IWS without getting into the details of how it does so, use the package.
If you want to understand or review the specifics of our assumptions, methods and implementation, each notebook in Running-Methods and Conversion-Files does so step by step!
NOTE: The core code used in both iws_modelling and the notebooks is almost identical!

Running Methods:

This folder contains notebooks for each of the eight methods compared in this study. It also generates files containing the processed results of each run which were used to generate the figures in this study.
EPA-SWMM files take longer to run and their output files are sizeable (.out files can be on the order of 100s of MBs) (on the order of tens of minutes depending on the machine you're using), EPANET files are rather speedy
Auxiliary files included in this folder labelled "_Pressures" process the output into pressure values rather than satisfaction ratio. These files were used to generate the results used in Figure S-6.

Naming Convention

Network Input and Output files are named using standardised fragments. Each notebook (Running, Conversion or Figure) is internally consistent, i.e., it will still work fine with files not named according to convention. However, we encourage the use of the naming convention since it matches the notebook names and thus will reduce chance of using the wrong notebook.

The naming convention is : Network Name_Supply Duration_Method Name_Result Type_extension The standardised fragments are as follows:

Network Names

Network1 : File uses Network 1 (Campisano, 2019)
Network2 : File uses Network 2 (Bragalli, 2012)
Network3 : File uses Network 3 (Bragalli, 2012)

Supply Durations

_4hr : Supply duration of 4 hrs / day for this file (input, results… etc.)
_12hr : Supply duration of 12 hrs / day for this file (input, results… etc.)

Method Names

_PDA : A vanilla EPANET .inp file with demands assigned to nodes. Serves as the input for Conversion Files
_CV-Tank : An IWS EPANET .inp file using the CV-Tank method
_PSV-Tank : An IWS EPANET .inp file using the PSV-Tank method
_CV-Res : An IWS EPANET .inp file using the CV-Res method
_FCV-EM : An IWS EPANET .inp file using the FCV-EM method
_FCV-Res : An IWS EPANET .inp file using the FCV-Res method
_Outlet-Outfall : An IWS EPA-SWMM .inp file using the Outlet-Outfall method
_Outlet-Storage : An IWS EPA-SWMM .inp file using the Outlet-Storage method

Result types

Result types are only added to result files _TimeSeries.csv: Results file produced by running any of the methods. Contains a time series of the satisfaction ratio for all consumers in a given network
_Means.csv: Results file produced by running any of the methods. Contains a time series of the mean satisfaction in a given network
_Medians.csv: Results file produced by running any of the methods. Contains a time series of the median satisfaction ratio in a given network
_XXthPercentile.csv: Results file produced by running any of the methods. Contains a time series of the XXth (e.g., 10th) Percentile satisfaction ratio in a given network
_Demands.csv: Contains the demand rates for all consumers in a given network. Required for some methods to function


.inp EPANET or EPA-SWMM input file
.csv Comma-Separated Values file. The output format we used for our postprocessed results
.out EPA-SWMM output file. Intermediate product created by EPA-SWMM which we process further into our interpretable results


Network1_4hr_CV-Tank.inp is an input file using EPANET IWS method CV-Tank running in Network 1 for 4 hours of supply per day
Network2_12hr_Outlet-Outfall_Means.csv is a results file containing a time series of the satisfaction ratio in Network 2 when supplied for 12 hours a day modelled using the SWMM IWS method Outlet-Outfall

Conversion Files:

This folder contains notebooks that convert a Vanilla EPANET file with demands assigned to their original demand nodes (with the analysis option selected as PDA)
to any of the 6 EPANET methods and the 2 SWMM methods in this study. We ran these files for you and generated all input files used for this study, (48 Total files: 8 methods x 3 networks x 2 supply durations), so to reproduce the results in this study, there is no need to run these again, but feel absolutely free to do so!
These files take .inp EPANET files (labeled with _PDA.inp at the end of their name). The conversion will work with any .inp file, but the naming convention will be broken.
Conversion of EPANET to EPASWMM takes longer to run due to the discretization creating a lot of pipes and nodes

Network Files

This folder contains the .inp files for all networks, methods and supply durations. We supplied 48 files in the repo (8 methods, 3 networks, 2 supply durations) and organized them into 3 folders by test network
Processed results are also saved to this folder by default unless the path is changed
This folder also contains some helper files needed to migrate some information between the conversion notebook to the running notebook e.g. "_Demands.csv" and an SWMM .inp file template


This folder contains notebooks that reproduce Figures 2, 4, and 5 as well as Table S-5
To be able to run these notebooks and reproduce the figures, first run each method file for both supply durations. To facilitate this tedious task, use the script. runs all of the 48 input files in our study automatically, producing all the files and data required to reproduce the figures using the scripts in this directory
The script uses the iws_modelling package and thus to use it either install the package to your working environment using pip, use the source distribution we provided in the IWSModelling directory, or import it from its directory using the appropriate path.

The following is a description of the folder's content:

Figure2.ipynb reproduces Figure 2 - mean satisfction ratio using EPANET methods -of the main text by default. It can also create its corresponding supplementary figures S-4 and S-5 by following the instructions in the notebook. It can also be repurposed to create similar figures using any "_Means.csv" file.

Figure4.ipynb reproduces Figure 4 - Mean and Range of Satisfaction ratios in volume vs flow restricted methods - of the main text by default. It can also create its corresponding supplementary figures S-7 and S-8 by following the instructions in the notebook. It can also be repurposed to create similar figures using any "_Means.csv", "_XXthPercentile.csv" and ""YYth percentile.csv" files

Figure5.ipynb reproduces Figure 5 - Mean and range of satisfaction ratios in flow and volume restricted methods: filling vs non-filling - of the main text by default. It can also create its corresponding supplementary figures S-9 and S-10 by following the instructions in the notebook. It can also be repurposed to create similar figures using any "_Means.csv", "_XXthPercentile.csv" and ""YYth percentile.csv" files

Table S-5.ipynb reproduces Table S-5 - execution time of each EPANET method - by default

Figure3 In this subfolder: we provide 2 csv files with the input data underlying the contours in Figure 3 as well as the .shp layers we created in QGIS. The input CSVs can be loaded as layers in QGIS and contoured using the same bins to reproduce the figure
To reproduce the csv files themselves, use Figure3.ipynb and input the "_TimeSeries.csv" files generated for Network 3 under 12 hours of supply


This repository introduces a python package for hydraulic simulation of Intermittent Water Supply Networks using eight distinct methods and is associated with the publication [PLACEHOLDER]


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.5%Language:Python 3.3%Language:QML 1.3%