Olyno / taggy

Taggy Bot monorepo. Bookmark your discord messages for office hours!

Home Page:https://taggybot.xyz/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Taggy is a platform and a bot allowing to save discord messages in categories. You can use it to organize office hours on your discord servers.


The project requires pnpm installed.

Before you can start the project, a configuration part is required.

First of all, you will have to create a discord bot application. You can find a documentation about it here.

In this application, in the OAuth2 tab, you have to add your redirection URLs, namely http://localhost:3000 (the dev one), and the production domain name. Due to a problem with the oauth api of Discord, think of duplicating your domain name url, by adding a / at the end of the duplication.



When you have added the urls, you will have to add the environment variables (via a .env at the root, or any other way you know). This project has the following environment variables:

DATABASE_URL=""                            # A postgres or cockroach database url
VITE_SOCKET_SERVER="http://localhost:3000" # The url of the project.
VITE_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=""                  # Your discord Oauth2 client id
DISCORD_GUILD_ID=""                        # Your discord guild id (to test it, mainly for the bot slash commands)
DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET=""                   # Your discord Oauth2 client secret
DISCORD_TOKEN=""                           # Your discord bot token
NODE_ENV="developement"                    # The environment of the project

Note: You will receive an error at runtime if you are missing some environment variables, or if some of them don't seem to be right.

Once the environment variables are prepared, you need to install the different dependencies of the project:

pnpm install

Finally, to prepare the database, all you have to do is pnpm prisma migrate deploy and pnpm prisma generate. The "migrate deploy" command will prepare the postgres database, and "generate" will generate the client if it has not been generated correctly.


The project is divided into several "apps":

  • @taggy/bot
  • @taggy/web

The "web" part represents the interface, and the "bot" part, as you may have guessed, the "bot" part.

Different commands are available, with for each one the possibility to execute it for 1 project only. The available commands are:

  • build
  • start
  • dev
  • format

To execute a command in a specific "app", you just have to specify its name:

pnpm build
pnpm start:web # Starts the web app only


This project is licensed under the MIT license with a Commons Clause license.

You can find the full license text here.


Taggy Bot monorepo. Bookmark your discord messages for office hours!




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