OllieJC / splunk-otel-java-lambda

Splunk custom OTEL Java wrapper for AWS lambdas

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⚠️ Deprecation Notice

The Splunk OpenTelemetry Java Lambda Wrapper is deprecated. Only critical security fixes and bug fixes are provided.

Going forward, Lambda functions should use the Splunk OpenTelemetry Lambda Layer, which offers similar capabilities and fully supports the OpenTelemetry standard. To learn more about the Splunk OTel Lambda Layer, see https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/gdi/get-data-in/serverless/aws/otel-lambda-layer/instrument-lambda-functions.html#nav-Instrument-your-Lambda-function

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Splunk OpenTelemetry Java Lambda Wrapper

The Splunk OpenTelemetry Java Lambda is a modified version of the wrappers in the OpenTelemetry AWS Lambda Instrumentation that enables you to export spans from an AWS Lambda function with Java to Splunk APM without any code changes to your Lambda functions.

The current release uses OpenTelemetry AWS Lambda Instrumentation version 1.1.0 and OpenTelemetry Java SDK version 1.1.0.

This Splunk distribution comes with the following defaults:

  • W3C specified Trace Context and Baggage propagation (tracecontext,baggage) context propagation
  • OpenTelemetry Protocol (otlp) traces exporter
  • No metrics exporter

This project contains the custom wrapper code in the wrapper directory and examples in the examples directory.

There are two options to use the Splunk Lambda wrapper:

  • Use a Lambda function wrapper directly
  • Use a Lambda layer that Splunk hosts

Splunk provides a Serverless Application Model (SAM) template for deploying the Lambda wrapper with a Lambda handler or a Lambda layer. If you choose deploy the Lambda wrapper with a layer, Splunk also hosts a layer in AWS.

Outbound context propagation for lambdas instrumented with this wrapper can be easily implemented. Please have a look here.

Getting Started

Deploy the wrapper directly with a Lambda function handler

A Splunk Lambda wrapper wraps around an existing AWS Lambda Java function handler. This approach doesn't require any code changes to your Lambda function. When you deploy the Lambda wrapper with a Lambda handler, you add it as a dependency to your Lambda function. Whenever the Lambda function is invoked, it runs the Lambda wrapper which in turn calls your code. For more information about AWS Lambda function handlers, see AWS Lambda function handler in Java on the AWS website.

Follow these steps to configure a Splunk Lambda wrapper to export spans to Splunk APM. You can also deploy the handler with a SAM template. For more information, see the example.

  1. Add the Splunk Lambda wrapper to your build definition:


    dependencies {


  2. From the AWS console, upload the .zip file to your Lambda function code.

    For more information, see Deploy Java Lambda functions with .zip file archives on the AWS website.

  3. Set a wrapper class as the handler for your Lambda function.

    These wrappers are available:

    Wrapper class Description
    com.splunk.support.lambda.TracingRequestWrapper Wrap a regular handler.
    com.splunk.support.lambda.TracingRequestApiGatewayWrapper Wrap a regular handler proxied through an API Gateway.
    com.splunk.support.lambda.TracingRequestStreamWrapper Wrap a streaming handler and enable HTTP context propagation for HTTP requests.
    com.splunk.support.lambda.TracingSqsEventWrapper Wrap an AWS SQS Event handler.

    For more information about setting a handler for your Lambda function in the AWS console, see Configuring functions in the console on the AWS website.

  4. Set the OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_AWS_LAMBDA_HANDLER environment variable in your Lambda function code:


    For more information about setting environment variables in the AWS console, see Using AWS Lambda environment variables on the AWS website.

  5. By default, the Splunk Lambda wrapper uses W3C specified Trace Context and Baggage (tracecontext,baggage) context propagation.

    If you want to change this, set the OTEL_PROPAGATORS environment variable in your Lambda function code. For more information about available context propagators, see the Propagator settings for the OpenTelemetry Java.

  6. By default, the Splunk Lambda wrapper uses the OpenTelemetry Protocol (otlp) exporter to send traces to Splunk APM.

    If you want to use this exporter, set these environment variables in your Lambda function code:


    Also, you can set span flush wait timeout, that is max time the function will wait for the spans to be ingested by the Splunk APM. Default is 1 second. Timeout is controlled with a following property (value in milliseconds):


    If you want to use a different exporter, set the OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER environment variable. Other exporters have their own configuration settings. For more information, see the OpenTelemetry Java SDK on GitHub.

    Splunk provides also token-authenticated jaeger-thrift-splunk exporter for customers that need to use that specific protocol. In order to use it, please set (example endpoint value for SmartAgent):


    You can also use the jaeger-thrift-splunk exporter to send spans directly to the Splunk Observability Cloud backend. You can accomplish this by updating OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_ENDPOINT to the ingest URL.

  7. Set the environment in Splunk APM for the service with the OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES environment variable:

  8. Set the service name in Splunk APM with the OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES environment variable:

  9. Save your settings and call the Lambda function.

Deploy the wrapper with a Lambda layer

Add a layer that includes the Splunk Lambda wrapper to your Lambda function. A layer is code and other content that you can run without including it in your deployment package. Splunk provides layers in all supported regions you can freely use.

You can also deploy the layer with a SAM template. For more information, see the example.

To reduce the size of the deployment package, make sure that your Lambda artifact doesn't contain the wrapper.

Follow these steps to configure a Splunk Lambda wrapper to export spans to Splunk APM with a layer that Splunk provides.

  1. From the AWS console, add a layer to your Lambda function code.
  2. To add a layer that Splunk provides, specify an available ARN, depending on your region. For an available ARN, see Latest available versions of SignalFx Lambda wrapper layers.
  3. Verify that dependencies in the layer aren't also in the Lambda function .jar file.
  4. Deploy your Lambda function code.

AWS span tags the wrapper adds to trace data

The Splunk Lambda wrapper automatically adds span tags to trace data it exports. These are the available span tags for AWS metadata. For more information, see the OpenTelemetry Specification.

Span tag Example Description
cloud.account.id 123456789012 The AWS account ID.
cloud.provider aws The name of the cloud provider.
cloud.region us-west-2 The AWS region.
faas.execution af9d5aa4-a685-4c5f-a22b-444f80b3cc28 The AWS request ID.
faas.id arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-lambda-function The ARN of the Lambda function instance.
faas.name my-lambda-function The Lambda function name.
faas.trigger http The type of trigger the function executed on. Only for the API gateway proxy.
faas.version 2.0.0 The Lambda function version.
http.method GET, POST, HEAD The HTTP request method. Only for the API gateway proxy.
http.url https://www.foo.bar/search?q=OpenTelemetry#SemConv The full HTTP request URL. Only for the API gateway proxy.
http.user_agent CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3 The value of the HTTP user-agent header the client sends. Only for the API gateway proxy.
otel.library.name io.opentelemetry.aws-lambda The SignalFx function wrapper qualifier.
process.runtime.{name,version,description} OpenJDK Runtime Environment,14.0.2,Eclipse OpenJ9 Eclipse OpenJ9 VM openj9-0.21.0 The AWS execution environment.


These environment variables control logging:

Environment variable Description
OTEL_LIB_LOG_LEVEL Controls logging for the OpenTelemetry library. By default, it's set to WARNING and uses java.util.logging values.
OTEL_LAMBDA_LOG_LEVEL Controls logging of the Splunk Lambda wrapper. By default, it's set to WARN and uses log4j2 values.


There are several examples provided in the /examples folder, grouped in following subfolders:

  • otel-wrapper - examples using OpenTelemetry wrappers directly
  • splunk-layer - examples using OpenTelemetry wrappers enhanced by Splunk, added as an AWS layer
  • splunk-wrapper - examples using OpenTelemetry wrappers enhanced by Splunk, added as a direct dependency

Each group provides an AWS template.yaml to facilitate deployment and an extensive README documenting example calls with a relevant payload (in most cases - a simple string).

Refer to particular README files to check the details of provided examples.


The Splunk OpenTelemetry Java Lambda Wrapper uses the OpenTelemetry Instrumentation for Java, OpenTelemetry Java SDK and extensions, all released under the terms of the Apache Software License version 2.0. For more information, see the license file.


Splunk custom OTEL Java wrapper for AWS lambdas

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 87.3%Language:Shell 12.7%