OliverVea / Vynth

Extensible framework for simulating modular synthesizers

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Welcome to Vynth, an innovative and extensible framework for simulating modular synthesizers, meticulously crafted in C#. At the heart of Vynth lies a fusion of technology and creativity, offering developers and audio enthusiasts a robust platform for synthesizer sound generation and processing within the .NET ecosystem. Designed with versatility in mind, Vynth enables the creation of virtually any audio effect, making it a powerful tool for audio application development, digital signal processing, and sound synthesis experimentation.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Extensibility: Vynth's architecture allows for limitless creativity, enabling users to craft a wide array of audio effects and functionalities. Whether you're aiming to replicate classic synthesizer sounds or innovate new audio effects, Vynth provides the foundation you need to bring your ideas to life.

  • Ease of Use: With a focus on user-friendly design, Vynth simplifies the complexities of audio processing, making it accessible for developers of all skill levels. Its intuitive structure ensures that users can easily modify and extend the framework to suit their specific needs.

  • Modern Compatibility with a Nod to the Past: Built to leverage the full capabilities of .NET 8, Vynth represents the cutting edge of audio processing software in .NET. Simultaneously, it maintains backward compatibility in its IPC module, ensuring a broad range of applications can benefit from its advanced features without sacrificing legacy support.

Vynth is a personal project, born from a passion for sound synthesis and software development. It stands as an open invitation for those who share a curiosity for audio exploration and a love for innovation. Whether you're engaging with Vynth for personal enrichment, academic pursuit, or professional exploration, the framework offers a canvas for your auditory creations.

Embark on your journey with Vynth and unlock the expansive potential of sound.

Project Structure

Vynth is organized into three principal directories, each serving a unique purpose in the framework's ecosystem:

  • src: This directory houses the core of the Vynth framework. It includes all the essential libraries and modules necessary for synthesizer simulation, offering a deep dive into the audio processing capabilities Vynth provides. Whether you’re looking to understand the framework's inner workings or extend its functionalities, the src folder is your starting point.

  • demo: Explore Vynth’s practical application through our demonstration project. Here, you'll find a simple yet powerful synthesizer application, complete with a Unity-based graphical user interface (GUI). This demo not only showcases how to leverage Vynth for creating dynamic audio experiences but also serves as an excellent reference for integrating Vynth into your own projects.

  • tests: In the realm of software development, ensuring quality and reliability is essential. The test directory of Vynth, though currently focused on a select set of functionalities, plays a pivotal role in our development process. At present, it includes a foundational set of tests primarily centered around basic communication and message handling. These tests are crucial for verifying the framework's core interoperability and ensuring the integrity of its messaging components. While the synthesizer’s rich audio processing capabilities are yet to be extensively covered by automated tests, this area represents a valuable opportunity for growth and enhancement of the framework. We warmly encourage community members and contributors to engage with our existing tests and consider expanding upon them. Contributing to the test suite not only aids in elevating Vynth’s overall quality but also ensures a more robust and reliable framework for all users. Your insights, feedback, and contributions towards developing comprehensive tests for the synthesizer code and beyond are highly appreciated and integral to our collective progress.

For further details on the contents and functionalities within each directory, please refer to the README.md files located in each folder.


Extensible framework for simulating modular synthesizers


Language:C# 100.0%