RS SCHOOL - Node.js - Task 1 Caesar cipher CLI tool
Caesar cipher CLI tool is a tool that encodes and decodes a text by Caesar cipher.
- Clone (or fork and then clone) this repo to your computer
- Go to the project's folder
- Intall node_modules running the following command on your terminal
$ npm install
Note: If you are checking the task: Caesar cipher CLI tool, you can find all the functional code on the branch caesar-cipher-cli
Get started
There are 2 ways to use the program on the command line:
- Invoking directly the main file (in this case index.js) from the project's folder with this command
$ node index.js [options]
- Using the programm's name my_caesar_cli
For this second way, you need to run before the following command from the project's folder
$ sudo npm install -g .
After this the programm can run globally, from any folder
$ my_caesar_cli [options]
CLI tool accepts 4 options (short alias or full name):
- -s, --shift: a shift
- -i, --input: an input file
- -o, --output: an output file
- -a, --action: an action encode/decode
The shift and the action are required. The input and the output files can be omited. In this case you will see the result on the command line.
To stop the tool just press Ctrl+C.
Note: If you want to have an output on a file, and you are running the tool not from the project's folder, you may need to specify the path to the file.
Usage examples
- -a (--action) is encode
$ my_caesar_cli -a encode -s 7 -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"
This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!
Aopz pz zljyla. Tlzzhnl hivba "_" zftivs!
$ my_caesar_cli --action encode --shift 7 --input plain.txt --output encoded.txt
This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!
Aopz pz zljyla. Tlzzhnl hivba "_" zftivs!
- -a (--action) is decode
Decoding encoded initial string with the same -s(--shift) number produces the initial string.
$ my_caesar_cli --action decode --shift 7 --input encoded.txt --output plain.txt
Aopz pz zljyla. Tlzzhnl hivba "_" zftivs!
This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!
- Negative shift handling
$ my_caesar_cli --action encode --shift -1 --input plain.txt --output encoded.txt
This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!
Sghr hr rdbqds. Ldrrzfd zants "_" rxlank!