OlegIlyenko / sphere-node-connect

Quick and easy way to connect your Node.js app with SPHERE.IO.

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Quick and easy way to connect your Node.js app with SPHERE.IO HTTP APIs.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install sphere-node-connect

sphere_connect = require 'sphere-node-connect'
# handles OAuth2 request to retrieve an access_token
OAuth2 = sphere_connect.OAuth2
# handles requests to HTTP APIs
Rest = sphere_connect.Rest

# or simpler
{OAuth2, Rest} = require 'sphere-node-connect'


The connector exposes 2 objects: OAuth2 and Rest.


The OAuth2 is used to retrieve an access_token

oa = new OAuth2
    client_id: ''
    client_secret: ''
    project_key: ''
  host: 'auth.sphere.io' # optional
  accessTokenUrl: '/oauth/token' # optional
  timeout: 20000 # optional
  rejectUnauthorized: true # optional
  logConfig: {} # optional (see `Logging` section)

oa.getAccessToken (error, response, body) -> # do something


The Rest is used to comunicate with the HTTP API.

rest = new Rest
    client_id: ''
    client_secret: ''
    project_key: ''
  host: 'api.sphere.io' # optional
  access_token: '' # optional (if not provided it will automatically retrieve an `access_token`)
  timeout: 20000 # optional
  rejectUnauthorized: true # optional
  oauth_host: 'auth.sphere.io' # optional (used when retrieving the `access_token` internally)
  user_agent: 'my client v0.1' # optional
  logConfig: {} # optional (see `Logging` section)

rest.GET resource, (error, response, body) -> # do something
rest.POST resource, payload, (error, response, body) -> # do something
rest.DELETE resource, (error, response, body) -> # do something
rest.PAGEd resource, (error, response, body) -> # (see `Paged requests` section)

The Rest object, when instantiated, has an internal instance of the OAuth module accessible with rest._oauth. This is mainly used internally to automatically retrieve an access_token.

Currently GET, POST and DELETE are supported.

Paged requests

Paged results (when querying an endpoint) can be processed in chunks, to avoid the server to return big amount of data all together. The PAGED function recursively accumulates the paged results, returning all of them at once.

Use this function to safely query all results (=> limit=0)

rest = new Rest options

rest.PAGED '/products', (error, response, body) ->
  # do something

Note that by using this function, the limit is considered to be 0, meaning all results are queried. So given limit and offset parameters will be ignored.

# with query params
rest = new Rest options

rest.PAGED '/products?where=name%3D%22Foo%22&staged=true', (error, response, body) ->
  # do something

You can also subscribe to progress notifications

rest = new Rest options

rest.PAGED '/products', (error, response, body) ->
  # do something
, (progress) ->
  # progress is an object containing the current progress percentage
  # and the value of the current results (array)
  # {percentage: 20, value: [r1, r2, r3, ...]}

Error handling

Since the connector is basically a wrapper of the request HTTP Client, the callback function comes directly from there, meaning that the 3 arguments are the same:

  • error: an error object when applicable (usually from http.ClientRequest object) otherwise null
  • response: an http.IncomingMessage object containing all kind of information about the request / response
  • body: a JSON object (automatically parsed)

As the SPHERE.IO HTTP API returns JSON responses either with resources or error messages, the application should check the response statusCode and decide what to do. It's always a good practice to check first for the existence of an error object in case there was a problem with the http client request.

(error, response, body) ->
  if error
    # do something
    if response.statusCode is 200
      # ok
      # do something else


See sphere-node-utils


oa.getAccessToken (error, response, body) ->
  if response.statusCode is 200
    access_token = body.access_token
    throw new Error 'Failed to get Access Token.'
# Get a list of all products
rest.GET '/products', (error, response, body) -> console.log(body)

# Create a new product
rest.POST '/products',
  name: { en: 'Foo' }
  slug: { en: 'foo' }
  productType: { id: '123', typeId: 'product-type' }
, (error, response, body) -> console.log(body)

# Update a product
rest.POST '/products/123',
  version: 1
  actions: [
    { action: 'changeName', name: { en: 'Boo' } }
, (error, response, body) -> console.log(body)

# Delete a product
rest.DELETE '/product/abc?version=3', (error, response, body) ->
  if response.statusCode is 200
    console.log 'Product successfully deleted.'
  else if response.statusCode is 404
    console.log 'Product does not exist.'
  else if response.statusCode == 400
    console.log 'Product version does not match.'


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Define your SPHERE.IO credentials into a config.js. Since the tests run against 2 projects on different environments you need to provide the credentials for both. If you just have one project You can provide the same credentials for both.

/* SPHERE.IO credentials */
exports.config = {
  staging: {
    client_id: "",
    client_secret: "",
    project_key: "",
    oauth_host: "auth.sphere.io",
    api_host: "api.sphere.io"
  prod: {
    client_id: "",
    client_secret: "",
    project_key: "",
    oauth_host: "auth.sphere.io",
    api_host: "api.sphere.io"


Releasing a new version is completely automated using the Grunt task grunt release.

grunt release // patch release
grunt release:minor // minor release
grunt release:major // major release


We <3 CoffeeScript! So please have a look at this referenced coffeescript styleguide when doing changes to the code.


Copyright (c) 2013 Nicola Molinari Licensed under the MIT license.


Quick and easy way to connect your Node.js app with SPHERE.IO.


License:MIT License