OldCrow86 / Very-Simple-API

A barebones API

Home Page:https://gsa.github.io/Very-Simple-API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is follows @benbalter's work. Maintaining this simple data file automatically generates JSON, XML, HTML, and CSV.


  1. Create a new repo. +
  2. Create a new branch called gh-pages. In the repository's settings, set gh-pages as the default branch. +
  3. Create a YML file in a /_data folder, name it objects.yml, insert the below, and save. +
  age: 2
  breed: lab
  color: black
  age: 3
  breed: dalmation
  color: white
  age: 70
  breed: collie
  color: brown
  1. Create a json template file, name it objects.json, and include the below: +
{{ site.data.objects | jsonify }}

The end result will now be avialable at http://username.github.io/name-of-repo/objects.json. For instance, http://gsa.github.io/Very-Simple-API/objects.json.

  1. Create an xml template file, name it objects.xml, and include the below: +
  {% for dog in site.data.objects %}
    <name>{{ dog[0] }}</name>
    <breed>{{ dog[1].color }}</breed>
    <age>{{ dog[1].age }}</age>
    <color>{{ dog[1].color}}</color>
  {% endfor %}

The end result will now be avialable at http://username.github.io/name-of-repo/objects.xml. For instance, http://gsa.github.io/Very-Simple-API/objects.xml.

  1. Create a csv template, name it objects.csv, and include the below: +
{% for dog in site.data.objects %}{{ dog[0] }},{{ dog[1].age }},{{ dog[1].breed }},{{ dog[1].color }}
{% endfor %}

The end result will now be avialable at http://username.github.io/name-of-repo/objects.csv. For instance, http://gsa.github.io/Very-Simple-API/objects.csv.

  1. Create an html template, name it index.html, and include the below: +
        <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        $.getJSON( "objects.json", function(objects) {
          $.each(objects, function(name, attributes) {
            document.write("<h2>" + name + "</h2>");
            document.write("Age: " + attributes["age"] + "<br />");
            document.write("Breed: " + attributes["breed"] + "<br />");
            document.write("Color: " + attributes["color"] + "<br />");

The end result will now be avialable at http://username.github.io/name-of-repo/. For instance, http://gsa.github.io/Very-Simple-API/.
