Oklahoma-City-University / ocu-msproject-Caesars-Cipher-Chrome-and-Edge-Plugin

This chromium browser project will Implement a caesar cipher that takes in a string as plaintext and the shift (key) factor and then outputs the modified string as ciphertext.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this chromium browser project I will implement a caesar cipher that takes in a string as plaintext and the shift (key) factor and then outputs the modified string as ciphertext.


  • On paper, I will use a shift cipher to encrypt and decrypt a short message to get a feel for how this cipher works.
  • Highlight how I will use conditionals and flow controls to convert a string into a number.
  • Brush up my knowledge on how I will implement my knowledge of strings, arrays, and hashes for encrypting and decrypting messages.
  • Develop an algorithm for this procedure that works for input text and shift value.
  • Create and initialize (set to blank) three variables to store inputText, shiftValue, and outputText.
  • Ask the user to enter a plaintext message to be encoded.
  • Set the inputText variable to the answer from the user.
  • Ask the user to enter a shift value for the shift cipher. If their answer is a number; Set the shiftValue variable to their answer.
  • Ask the user if they wish to encode or decode.
  • Then call a custom procedure to encrypt or decrypt the data.
  • Check that my code works as expected.
  • Ensure my code wraps from z to a and keeps the same case.
  • Adding the Brute Force Mode to my code
  • Package my code as a chrome extension
  • Create and add a Manifest.json file to my code
  • Use a google developer account to upload my project to the Chrome extension store - https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/building-chrome-extension/
  • Publish my project to the chrome web store for other cybersecurity enthusiasts to test, use and play with - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/caesars-cipher/fdodgpljcddhaecalplkpeijoadfpccg/
  • Publish my project to the Resource Group (CaesarsCipher-S01-Jake) i created on OKCU Azure portal fore students (the free tier subscription for students) for other cybersecurity enthusiasts to test, use and play with...it is currently publicly accessible at https://gray-forest-042c17010.3.azurestaticapps.net. [x] Publish a forked multi-encryption on to the Resource Group (Multiple Ciphers) i created on OKCU Azure portal fore students (the free tier subscription for students) for other cybersecurity enthusiasts to test, use and play with...it is currently publicly accessible at https://proud-island-0146f9410.3.azurestaticapps.net.

Wish me luck in my presentation today!


This chromium browser project will Implement a caesar cipher that takes in a string as plaintext and the shift (key) factor and then outputs the modified string as ciphertext.


Language:HTML 76.8%Language:JavaScript 20.7%Language:Nix 2.5%