Oeufhp / oeuf-express

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Example of Clean Architecture:

Clean Architecture

Example of Hexagonal Architecture:

Hexagonal Architecture

Folder Structure

src folder is the main folder to store the source code. There are 4 sub-folders inside are as follows:

  • adapters - is the data source layer that manages external dependencies and converts/maps external data to models (entities).
  • api - is one of the transport layer (this project based on Backend API) if there is any other transport layer. new folders can be created e.g., message_queue, sqs. the transport layer handles the request from clients and convert them into models (entities) or objects that service required. The mandatory parameters may validate in this layer
  • models - is the entities layer that will be used in the project.
  • services - is the business logic layer that allows to work only with models. Business logic validations are also implemented in this layer.


  • model is similar to entities in Clean/Hexagonal Architecture
  • service is similar to interactors or use cases in Clean/Hexagonal Architecture
  • adapter is similar to repositories or gateways in Clean/Hexagonal Architecture

API Versioning

We recommend always implement versioning for the API. However, the solutions to approach API version depends on each project.


This template contains an example of an API call to get a user by id

  • Client calls GET to v1/user/:id
  • As in app.js the route start from src/api/index.js which contains all the version of the API
  • In src/api/v1/index.js contains all the main functional route, in this case user
  • In src/api/v1/user_route.js is the actual transport layer that contains all the API for users (e.g. create, update, delete, get, list). In the transport layer needs to extract all the parameter the service needs from the request body. the validation may implement if the required object does not exist.
  • Then the transport layer passes the extracted parameters to the business layer which is in src/services in this case user_service.js.
  • get_user method contains business logic and validations only about get a user. As the service layer will be called by many transport layer (e.g. API, Message Queue), service need to validate the input from the caller. In this case, the id needs to be a number.
  • If the error found, the error object with a message need to return back to the transport layer
  • service interacts with adapter to retrieve the data from data sources or external sources
  • adapter encapsulates the data sources. The data sources may from external APIs or databases. It needs to convert/map the data into a model adapter can be implemented in various ways depends on the data sources. However, it needs to be able to convert/map the data into model.
  • When the transport layer got the response back from the service, it needs to check the data and respond back to the client accordingly. If the response is null the API needs to return Http Status = 404
  • In case of error the handler needs to differentiate if it's Bad Request, Server Error, etc.



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