OdinLin / gosty

Kubernetes compliance scalable transcoding service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Kubernetes's compliance scalable cloud transcoding service

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

Architecture diagram

*Diagram need revision


Using Docker compose

  1. docker-compose up
  2. Change config.env to use the docker compose env

Using docker container

If you want to run app on container while run the database and message broker on minikube, make sure to attach minikube network to the container

docker run -p 8000:8000 --network minikube -e GOSTY_FILESERVER_SERVICE_HOST= localhost:5000/gosty-apiserver
docker run -p 8001:8001 --network=minikube localhost:5000/gosty-fileserver
docker run --network minikube -e GOSTY_FILESERVER_SERVICE_HOST= localhost:5000/gosty-worker

Using docker local registry on Minikube

To speed up experiment with docker image on k8s when development, enable minikube local registry

minikube addons enable registry

forward registry service to local port

kubectl port-forward --namespace kube-system svc/registry 5000:80

push the local image to minikube's local registry

docker build -t localhost:5000/{image-name} -f docker/Dockerfile-{image-name} .
docker push localhost:5000/{image-name}

Don't forget to change the k8s deployment image

    - name: {image-name}
      image: localhost:5000/{image-name}:latest 

port is still 5000, since internally, minikube use that port for its local registry

For some reason, minikube's registry addons doesn't have mounted volume, so everytime Minikube restart, re-push the image, I create makefile command for this

make push-all


RabbitMQ and MongoDB deployed using helm, make sure to install helm before

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash

also add bitnami repo

helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami


kubectl create -f k8s/rabbit/rabbitmq.yaml # create nodePort service, skip if you don't need
helm install rabbit bitnami/rabbitmq -f k8s/rabbitmq/helm-values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace gosty


kubectl create -f k8s/mongodb/mongodb.yaml # create nodePort service, skip if you don't need
helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb -f k8s/mongodb/helm-values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace gosty

API Server, File Server, Worker

Apply the rest of k8s resource manifest

kubect apply -f k8s/gosty


This resource will be deployed on fluentd-monitoring namespace. This stack currently will only be used for logs monitoring

kubectl apply -f k8s/fluentd


Install linkerd cli

curl -sL run.linkerd.io/install | sh                                                                                                                                                                       1 ↵

install linkerd component

kubectl apply -f k8s/linkerd/

access linkerd dashboard

linkerd viz dashboard

Injecting linkerd to rabbitmq, mongodb & ingress

kubectl get statefulset -n gosty rabbit-rabbitmq -o yaml  | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get statefulset -n gosty mongodb -o yaml  | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get statefulset -n gosty -o yaml mongodb-arbiter | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -   
kubectl get deployment -n kube-system ingress-nginx-controller -o yaml | linkerd inject - | kubectl apply -f -                                               1 ↵



I setup spekt8 for cluster visualization

kubectl create -f k8s/plugins/spekt8/fabric8-rbac.yaml 
kubectl apply -f k8s/plugins/spekt8/spekt8-deployment.yaml 
kubectl port-forward -n gosty deployment/spekt8 3000:3000

Chaos Mesh

I add some testing scenario on k8s/chaos using chaos mesh. First install chaos mesh on the cluster

curl -sSL https://mirrors.chaos-mesh.org/v1.1.2/install.sh | bash


Minikube Ingress Change ip when Ingress controller restarted

# change this according to your `kubectl get ingress`
sed -i -e 's/'""'/g' /etc/hosts

Random pods evicted

Microk8s has issue with, even though when the resource is fine, just restart the deployment and delete old resource

export NS=<NAMESPACE> 
kubectl -n $NS delete rs $(kubectl -n $NS get rs | awk '{if ($2 + $3 + $4 == 0) print $1}' | grep -v 'NAME')

Hostpath provisioner only writable by root

If you're running into this issue, where the pod won't start because it can't write to pv, currently my workaround is change the directory modifier. For every node on your cluster, run below command

sudo chmod -R 777 /tmp/hostpath-provisioner/gosty

Viper need .env file

If you notice, the config.env is still added to final docker images since viper has this issue. The env value later will be replaced by injected env values from K8s

What can be improved

  • Use more proper permanent storage system
  • Currently, every worker will always download a copy of the file and process it on its local pod volume, then remove the original file, then send the processed file to file server, this can use a lot of bandwidth. This can be improved by using shared volume on the node, and check if other worker already download the file, then process it.


Credit to gibbok for web client, which I modify for this project use case


Kubernetes compliance scalable transcoding service

License:MIT License


Language:Go 78.2%Language:JavaScript 12.1%Language:Dockerfile 2.7%Language:Makefile 2.6%Language:HTML 2.0%Language:CSS 1.5%Language:Shell 0.9%