Luddatumbazo (Esperanto for "Game Database") is an application that was my Devember 2023 project; a home grown, smaller scale version of BoardGameGeek), intended to be something my wife and I (and our family and gaming group) can use to track the specific board games we own, want and are playing.
Development work for this project was streamed live during the entire month of December 2023 on my Twitch channel, where we spent 128 hours and 37 minutes working on the project live (though of course at least half of that time was spent chatting with people).
See devember-2023 to see what the state of the project was at the point at which Devember ended; this version of the repo was split from it and shares the same history, but is continually developed.
This particular project is intended to be entirely cloud based and is using the following technology:
- Cloudflare Zero Trust for IAM
- Cloudflare Pages to host the front end
- Cloudflare Workers to host the functions driving the API
- Cloudflare D1 as the backing database
- Cloudflare Images for image storage
Libraries that are used in this project include (but are not limited to, based on my ability to remember to update this):
- @axel669/Windstorm/@axel669/Zephyr for the front end interface
- @axel669/sanic-xml for handling XML API data from BoardGameGeek
The following things were planned inclusions in the project but the MVP that we ended with at the end of Devember did not include them. Future development will bring these changes in, or possibly already did and I just forgot to update this README file.
- Cloudflare R2 for object storage
- @axel669/asuid for generating random, (almost) sortable ID's