OdarGM / OdarBotInfo

Information About Odar Bot

Home Page:https://bot.odar.xyz

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Discord Discord Bots Discord Bots Discord Bots Discord Bots Discord Bots Bot travis-ci.org/

Odar Disord Bot

What is OdarBot

OdarBot is Discord Bot with alot of Fun commands and aslot Moderaion commands like: Ban, Kick, Mute, Warn and more!


  • If you have any questions feel free to join the Support Server
  • Found bug? Use !contact to let us know!



  • !8ball Ask the bot something Usage: !8ball
  • !gif Searchs gif on giphy Usage: !gif
  • !weather Shows the weather in a place Usage: !weather [country]
  • !vote Make vote about something Usage: !vote
  • !owner Makes someone Server Owner Usage: !owner <@user>
  • !hastebin Upload code to hastebin Usage: !hastebin <code/text>
  • !unicode Gives you the symbol's unicode Usage: !unicode
  • !clap Puts 👏 between your message Usage: !calp
  • !flip Flip a text upsidedown Usage: !flip
  • !year Show the info about 1 year Usage: !year
  • !mock Mocks some text Usage: !mock
  • !urban Get the defintion of something Usage: !urban
  • !translate Translate somthing in other languange Usage: !translate
  • !cat Shows a random cat pic Usage: !cat
  • !pi Show Info about Pi Usage: !pi
  • !rate Rate someone Usage: !rate <@user>
  • !pepe Shows pepe Usage: !pepe
  • !shrug Shrugs Usage: !shrug
  • !lenny Shows lenny face Usage: !lenny
  • !megusta Shows megusta Usage: !megusta
  • !sumfuk You want sum fuk? Usage: !sumfuk [@user]
  • !joke Sends random joke Usage: !joke
  • !cnjoke Sends Chuck Norris jokes Usage: !cnjoke
  • !yomama Sends "yomama"jokes Usage: !yomama
  • !dog Sends random doggo Usage: !dog
  • !cat Sends random cat Usage: !cat
  • !google Google something Usage: !google
  • !morse Translate something into morse code Usage: !morse


  • !ping Check the bot ping Usage: !ping
  • !id Gives you the id of user Usage: !id [@user]
  • !invite Gives you invite for the bot Usage: !invite
  • !avatar Gives you someone's avatar Usage: !avatar [@user]
  • !icon Gives you the server icon Usage: !icon
  • !botinfo Gives the bot info Usage: !botinfo
  • !userinfo Gives you the user info Usage: !userinfo [@user]
  • !serverinfo Gives you the server info Usage: !serverinfo
  • !contact Contact the owner for help or report bug! Usage: !contact
  • !contributors Shows you the bot contributors! Usage: !contributors
  • !finduser Finds users with this name Usage: !finduser
  • !steamrep Shows Steam Rep info about user Usage: !steamrep
  • !fortnite Shows Fortnite info about player Usage: !fortnite
  • !imdb Shows info about move from IMDB Usage: !imdb
  • !roleinfo Shows roleinfo Usage: !roleinfo


  • !addrole Gives someone a role Usage: !addrole <@user>
  • !removerole Removes someone's role Usage: !removerole <@user>
  • !mute Mutes a user Usage: !mute <@user>
  • !unmute Unmutes a user Usage: !unmute <@user>
  • !kick Kicks a user from the server Usage: !kick <@user>
  • !ban Bans a user from the server Usage: !ban <@user>
  • !clear Clears the chat Usage: !clear
  • !warn Warn someone Usage: !warn <@user>


  • 0.2.0



Last Updated

  • 10/4/2018