Oceanbao / gofurther

Demo API server in Go.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go Prod

Project Structure

  • bin contains compiled app binaries, ready for deployment to prod server.
  • cmd/api app-specific code for API, including server runner, read/write HTTP requests and auth
  • internal various ancillary packages used by API, database, validation, email, etc. In short non-app and reusable utilities (internal is being imported only)
  • migrations SQL migration files for database
  • remote config files and setup scripts for server


  • Local dev requires brew install golang-migration
  • To setup migration, need to run as superuser inside pq terminal:
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE greenlight TO greenlight;
ALTER DATABASE greenlight OWNER TO greenlight;
  • To create a migration:
migrate create -seq -ext=.sql -dir=./migrations create_users_table


  • Many-to-many relationship is often modelled via a joining table
  • For example, user and permissions will have a joining table users_permissions that stores user_id and permission_id in which each user may have multiple permissions
  • Query can come from both side, so again the clean way is to create handlers for both sides of the use case, e.g. PermissionModel.GetAllForUser(user) []Permission and UserModel.GetAllForPermission(permission) []User


  • If API endpoint requires credentials (cookies or HTTP basic authentication) need to set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true header in response. To send credentials with cross-origin request then need to specify this in fetch(URL, { credenials: 'include' })
  • What is 'simple cross-origin request': satisfying all of - HTTP is one of the 3 CORS-safe methods: HEAD, GET, POST; request header either forbidden or one of four CORS-safe (Accept, Accept-Language, Content-Language, Content-Type); Content-Type (if set) is one of (application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, text/plain)
  • If not above, browser will trigger an initial "preflight" request BEFORE the real one to scout the real one will be permitted or not.
  • To handler "preflight" request, rely on 3 flags: OPTIONS method, Origin header and Access-Control-Request-Method header, always present. Once confirmed, respond with 200 OK and special headers to let browser know whether or not it's OK for the real request to proceed: Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods listing HTTP methods allowed for the real cross-origin requests to the URL and Access-Control-Allow-Headers listing headers that can be included in real one. (e.g. ...Origin: <reflected trusted origin>, ...Methods: OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, ...Headers: Authorization, Content-Type)
  • KEY: Authorization header allowed in cross-origin requests must not be paired with * Origins, or insecure.
  • Access-Control-Max-Age is appealing but also risky (unable to clear cache if mistake in setting) (-1 is disable) (browser set their hard max)

Swagger API

  • @Param [param_name][param_type] [data_type][required/mandatory] [description]
  • [param_type] can be query, path, header, body, formData
// Comment Format
// success	Success response that separated by spaces. return code or default,{param type},data type,comment
// failure	Failure response that separated by spaces. return code or default,{param type},data type,comment
// response	As same as success and failure
// header	Header in response that separated by spaces. return code,{param type},data type,comment

//	@Param	enumstring	query	string		false	"string enums"		Enums(A, B, C)
//	@Param	enumint		query	int			false	"int enums"			Enums(1, 2, 3)
//	@Param	enumnumber	query	number		false	"int enums"			Enums(1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
//	@Param	string		query	string		false	"string valid"		minlength(5)	maxlength(10)
//	@Param	int			query	int			false	"int valid"			minimum(1)		maximum(10)
//	@Param	default		query	string		false	"string default"	default(A)
//	@Param	example		query	string		false	"string example"	example(string)
//	@Param	collection	query	[]string	false	"string collection"	collectionFormat(multi)
//	@Param	extensions	query	[]string	false	"string collection"	extensions(x-example=test,x-nullable)

Missing Pieces

  • More complex SQL features: statement and transaction and other details `
  • More HTML templating.
  • Middleware helper lib: alice
  • Forms
  • Stateful HTTP: session management
  • TLS and CSRF
  • More embed
  • Testing


Demo API server in Go.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 94.4%Language:Shell 4.0%Language:Dockerfile 1.6%