ObjectiveSpy08 / Provision

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Provison Workshop

You must get into pairs. And there is a twist.

Before you start

git clone https://github.com/CSC-DevOps/Provision

Using package manager, install dependencies

cd Provision then npm install

Set your token
# Mac/Linux
export DOTOKEN="xxx"
# Windows
setx DOTOKEN xxx
Run the node program

node main.js

If everything is set correctly, you should see output like the following:

Your token is: xxxxxx
Calls remaining 4931


You will be experimenting with code for provisioning a new server from a cloud provider at a particular region, that is initialized with a specified virtual machine image, using the digitalocean api v2.

The code makes use of the got api for making http requests, suitable for interacting with a REST API.

Complete the remaining 7 steps specified in the code comments of main.js.

  1. List regions.
  2. List VM images.
  3. Create droplet.
  4. Get droplet ip
  5. Ping ip
  6. Destroy droplet
  7. Ping ip, make sure dead.

Bonus: The first 3 pairs to finish workshop will receive +5 points on their final workshop grade. But, if the rate-limit hits 0, everyone will loose 5 points on their workshop final grade.


REST Refresher

A very brief overview on REST APIs:

A RESTful architecture, is an architectural style (Fielding) for providing resources to clients using a set of request verbs and resource locations. A REST API allows a client to access resources provided by a service.

A useful workshop on using the GitHub REST APIs can be done for more practice.


The goal of REST APIs is to provide painless communication and interoperability between applications and services. REST APIs typically allow (often with some sort of authentication) a manipulation of the various types of entities associated with a service.

For example, if an API was created to enable an application to get information about user accounts, create new ones, update them, or delete them, the REST API could simply be defined by combining the following HTTP VERBS (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), with resource paths, such as /users/.

HTTP Verb Action Example Result
GET Retrieve record(s) GET /users/ Retrieves all users
POST Create record POST /users/ Creates a new user
PUT Update record PUT /users/6 Updates user 6
DELETE Delete record(s) DELETE /users/1 Deletes user with id 1

Query parameters can be provided to provide additional information to the request. For example, GET /users?country=France would return a list of all users in France.

A response typically is composed of several parts: including headers, status code, and body.

Headers will may useful information, such as rate-limits quotas, or properties of the response, such as whether it is encoded or compressed in a particular format.

The status code will allow you to verify the success of an operation or indicate different types of failures. Additional error information may be sent via the request body.

The body will typically contain a JSON-formated object or an array. Some actions, such as deleting an object, may not return any data in the response body.

When sending a request, a JSON-formatted object is sent attached via the request body to the server.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%