ObieBent / mariadb-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Description and basic usage

This role allows to install and configure the MySQL on your server

This role is used by appending it to your ansible playbook :

- hosts : databases
    - { role: mariadb-server }

Additionally this role can init databases and user associated to them and manage data into these databases.


Available variables

Variable Default value Description
use_satellite_repo false Use official internet repository to install package of this role. In case host have no internet access and package must be install from a local satellite, set this option to true. Repository must be previously declare in satellite and VM must be register to it before deploy this role.

Configuration variables have been splitted in two categories :

  • Dangerous settings : Variables that can only be set while installing the server for the first time. Changing them is considered as dangerous since it requires to drop all the databases and reimporting them from a previous dump.

  • Dynamic settings : Variables that can be changed with a simple MySQL server restart.

These settings have default values that should be tuned specifically project by project and environment by environment. It should mainly be considered as an inventory variables that are important to care about and an easier way to update it.

Install time settings (a.k.a dangerous settings)

Variable Default value MySQL variable
mysql_config_innodb_file_per_table 1 innodb_file_per_table
mysql_config_innodb_log_file_size 32M innodb_log_file_size
mysql_config_innodb_log_buffer_size 4M innodb_log_buffer_size
mysql_config_innodb_data_file_path "ibdata1:256M:autoextend" innodb_data_file_path
mysql_config_innodb_autoextend_increment 64 innodb_autoextend_increment

All the variables are set into the /etc/mysql/conf.d/01-dangerous-settings.cnf file.

Other settings (a.k.a dynamic settings)

Variable Default value MySQL variable
mysql_data_dir /var/lib/mysql MySQL data directory
mysql_default_backup_dir /var/backup/mysql Default backup directory used by backup scripts
mysql_force_remove_backup_dir False Remove backup dir
mysql_backup_dir {{ mysql_default_backup_dir }} backup directory used by backup scripts
mysql_config_max_connections 500 max-connections
mysql_config_bind_address bind-address
mysql_config_bind_port 3306 port
mysql_config_skip_name_resolve 1 skip-name-resolve
mysql_config_key_buffer_size 64M key_buffer_size
mysql_config_max_allowed_packet 16M max_allowed_packet
mysql_config_thread_stack 192K thread_stack
mysql_config_thread_cache_size 0 thread_cache_size
mysql_config_query_cache_type 1 query_cache_type
mysql_config_query_cache_limit 1M query_cache_limit
mysql_config_query_cache_size 32MB query_cache_size
mysql_config_innodb_buffer_pool_size_prct 0.7 innodb_buffer_pool_size percent of server memory
mysql_config_innodb_buffer_pool_size 2G innodb_buffer_pool_size
mysql_config_innodb_additional_mem_pool_size 4M innodb_additional_mem_pool_size
mysql_config_innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit 1 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit
mysql_config_slow_query_log 1 slow_query_log
mysql_config_slow_query_log_file /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log slow_query_log_file
mysql_config_slow_long_query_time 2 slow_long_query_time
mysql_config_log_bin mysql_data_dir/mysql-bin.log log_bin
mysql_config_binlog_format ROW binlog_format
mysql_config_expire_logs_days 8 expire_logs_days
manage_by_cluster False Variable set to true if service state must be managed by a cluster solution (like PCS)

In the end there is a little set of variables that are related to the role itself :

Variable` Default value Description
mysql_version 10.1 MySQL version to install depending to selected flavor.
mysql_flavor mysql The brand of MySQL server to install. Supported values : mysql, percona
mysql_packages mysql-server, python-mysqldb List of the packages installed by the role. Can be used to changed the MySQL flavour installed (MariaDB, Percona, ...) if you have set up additional repositories.
mysql_root_password auto generated The root password of the database. It should be set environment by environment. A passwordless login to the dabatase is installed by the role for the root user of the server using this (into the /root/.my.cnf file).
mysql_config_use_binlog True Set this variable if you intend to use binary logging. By default, binary logging will be enabled.

Nagios monitoring

Enable remote nagios monitoring

Variable` Default value Description
monitoring_nagios_enable false Define if monitoring should be enabled for MariaDB
monitoring_nagios_server_fqdn % Defines the remote monitoring server
monitoring_nagios_db_user nagios Define the user for monitoring db... define here or globally in group_vars/all/accounts
monitoring_nagios_db_pass changeme Define the password for monitoring db... define here or globally in group_vars/all/accounts

PMM monitoring

Create user and set specific MySQL configuration to enable innodb stats and performance schema

Variable` Default value Description
monitoring_pmm_enable false Define if monitoring should be enabled for PMM
monitoring_pmm_db_user pmm Define the user name for monitoring db... define here or globally in group_vars/all/accounts
monitoring_pmm_db_pass changeme Define the user password for monitoring db... define here or globally in group_vars/all/accounts

Database management

This role allow you to create database and users allowed to connect to them. You can redeploy only admin script with a var: deploy_scripts_only

Variable` Default value Description
deploy_scripts_only True Deploy scripts only



- name: Deploy mariadb admin scripts
  hosts: mariadb
    - role: mariadb-server
      deploy_scripts_only: True

Creating databases and users

Creating databases and an user allowed to connect to it can be done by filling the mysql_databases dictionary into your inventory or into var files of your playbook :

    db_name : magento
    collation: utf8_unicode_ci
    encoding: utf8
    user: magento
    password: changethepassword
    db_name : drupal
    collation: utf8_unicode_ci
    encoding: utf8
    user: drupal
    password: changethepassword
  - name: superadmin
    password: changethepassword
    priv: '*.*:ALL,GRANT'
    state: present
  - name: superdatabaseadmin
    password: changethepassword
    priv: 'database.*:ALL,GRANT'
    state: present

Available settings are those listed above. Note that encoding and collation are optional and their respective default values are utf8 and utf8_unicode_ci.

You can note that the key foreach database is different from the database name. It is very important since you can then obtain the database name into your playbook by using :


It allows you to have different name by environment without changing playbook using the databases.

Note : The host part of the user is not fine grained. You should think it just like an equivalent of running a GRANT command in MySQL with 'user'@'%'. While this is not fixed you have to consider additional security policies like firewalling (in fact you should even with it will be fixed !!!).

Init and update database with data

When bootstrapping a new environment you may will to have a database dump deployed automatically on it. This role allow you to get this achieved it by downloading a dump from a remote ssh server and getting it imported into the newly created database. Using this feature require you to declare a sync_source entry into the database setting :

    db_name : magento
    collation: utf8_unicode_ci
    encoding: utf8
    user: magento
    password: changethepassword
      host: boass.lab.lan   # Host the dump is located on
      user: remote_user                # User used on the remote server
      path: /home/remote_user/db_name  # Path where to find the dump on the remote host
      file: magento_current.sql        # Dump file name on the remote host

The sync_source can also be the ansible client itself :

      src: ../data/magento_current.sql # Source file on the Ansible machine
      file: magento_current.sql        # Destination filename on the remote server

Or an arbitrary URL (download will be done from the server)

      url: http://myserver.eqx/dumps/magento_current.tgz # Source file on the Ansible machine
      file: magento_current.sql        # Destination filename on the remote server

The dump are downloaded into the /data/dump/db_name directory.

On the other side, environment data need to be periodically updated. One part of this data are located into MySQL databases. By default the dump is fetched from remotes and imported only for newly created databases. You can force it to be imported by adding an additional variable allow_update_data in your playbook execution command :

ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml --extras_vars "allow_update_data=1"

As a result the target database is dropped and a new one is created containing all the data. For some reason (e.g. avoiding an human error erasing all production data) you may want to forbid this to be executed on some environment. You can do this by appending the forbid_update_data into the hostvars of this environment (e.g. in inventory/prod/group_vars/all):

forbid_update_data: 1

The variable forbid_update_data has always precedence on allow_update_data. The only way to override it is to pass both variables to your playbook execution :

ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml --extras_vars "allow_update_data=1 forbid_update_data=0"

Notes :

  • Using this feature require you to be allowed to access the sync server in SSH. Your private key have to be present on the sync server.

  • This feature will be completed by an additional layer providing a pluggable mechanism of anonymization of the data very soon.

Available tags

Following are available tags :

  • install : Run everything. Only present since some playbook uses it.

  • script : déploie les scripts d'administration

  • config : déploie la configuration standard du role

  • monitoring : configure la partie monitoring du role (création d'un user de supervision dans une base par exemple, ajout de la conf server-status sous apache, etc.)

  • update_config : Update every configuration that are not marked as dangerous. Database users are also modified using this tag.

  • update_data : Only play the databases creation part of the role. Use this with 'allow_update_data=1` to refresh data.

Available handlers

This role provides an handler which restart MySQL. You can use it in your own task through :

- hosts : db-servers
    - name: "Useless task that will restart MySQL on changed"
      debug: msg="My super dumb task"
      notify: "Restart MySQL"
    - { role: mariadb-server }


Install molecule and docker

sudo pip2 install molecule docker
For docker just follow the official doc

Launch the test with this command.

molecule verify # lint role
molecule check # dry run
molecule test # launch test from scracth
# You can relaunch test after with existing instances
ansible-playbook playbook

Docs on testing:



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