ObieBent / logstash

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This role installs a logstash server. It allows to install two versions of logstash namely 2.x and 5.x


No requirements

Role Variables

Default variables are defined in defaults/ and vars/ directory.

Variable Default value Description
ls_version 5.5 version of logstash
ls_worker num proc Number of worker use to handle messages in filter and output
ls_batch_size 1000 Bulk of messages handle
ls_heap_size_prct (85% RAM) Memory reserved for Logstash JVM in percent
ls_heap_size (85% RAM) Memory reserved for Logstash JVM
ls_nice 19 CPU nice for logstash process
ls_path_conf /etc/logstash Default configuration directory
ls_path_data /var/lib/logstash Default data directory
ls_path_logs /var/log/logstash Default log directory
ls_monitoring_api_address Default bind address of logstash monitoring api
ls_monitoring_api_port 9600 Default bind port of logstash monitoring api
ls_logs_max_backup_index 7 Configure he number of days you want logging to be kept.
ls_deploy_scripts True Deploy administration scripts
ls_deploy_prefilter True Deploy prefilter configuration (01-prefilter.conf) for filebeat through kafka logging and to avoid duplicate log in elasticsearch indexes
ls_deploy_sample False Deploy sample configuration filter and pattern
ls_uadb_update False Add crontab to automatically update user agent database file
firewall_setup True Launch firewall task
firewall_type "firewalld" Open ports with firewalld
  • Kafka intput/output plugin :
Variable Default value Description
ls_conf_override true Override conf if exist
ls_input_kafka false Add kafka input section
ls_input_kafka_codec plain Codec to use to read data
ls_output_kafka false Add kafka output section
ls_output_kafka_codec plain Codec to use to send data
ls_kafka_topic logstash default kafka topic
ls_kafka_hosts ['localhost'] Kafka cluster hosts list to join
ls_kafka_port 9092 Port used to join Kafka cluster
ls_kafka_zk_port 2181 ZooKeeper port to join cluster
ls_kafka_max_poll_records 1000 Max events logstash retrieve from kafka topic in one time
  • Elasticsearch output plugin :
Variable Default value Description
ls_output_elasticsearch false Add elasticsearch output section
ls_elasticsearch_hosts ['localhost'] Elasticsearch cluster hosts list to join
  • Filebeat input plugin :
Variable Default value Description
ls_input_beat false Enable beat input plugin to receive log from filebeat agent
ls_input_beat_tags ["beat"] Add tags for this input
  • HTTP outpout plugin
Variable Default value Description
ls_input_http false Enable http input plugin to receive log from http port
ls_input_http_port 8080 What port to receive event from
ls_input_http_tags ["http"] Add tags for this input
  • Syslog input plugin :
Variable Default value Description
ls_input_syslog false Enable syslog input plugin to receive log from syslog agent
Variable Default value Description
use_satellite_repo false Use official internet repository to install package of this role. In case host have no internet access and package must be install from a local satellite, set this option to true. Repository must be previously declare in satellite and VM must be register to it before deploy this role.


No dependencies

Examples Playbook

Simple example :

- hosts: servers
    - role: logstash

Complexe example :

- hosts: logstash-shipper
    - role: logstash
      ls_output_kafka: true
      ls_kafka_hosts: "{{ groups['kafka'] }}"

- hosts: logstash-indexer
    - role: logstash
      ls_input_kafka: true
      ls_kafka_hosts: "{{ groups['kafka'] }}"
      ls_output_elasticsearch: true
      ls_es_hosts: ['']


Install molecule and docker

sudo pip2 install molecule docker
For docker just follow the official doc

Launch the test with this command.

molecule verify # lint role
molecule check # dry run
molecule test # launch test from scracth
# You can relaunch test after with existing instances
ansible-playbook playbook

Docs on testing:



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