ObieBent / elasticsearch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This role install a Elasticsearch server


Host required at least 1 Go of RAM.

Role Variables

Default variables are defined in defaults/ and vars/ directory :

Variable Default value Description
es_version 7.9 ES version
es_java_version 11 OpenJDK version to use
es_cluster_name default ES cluster name
es_node_name ansible_fqdn ES node name
es_network_host Interface list ES bind
es_hosts [es_node_name]" Cluster all host list
es_master_hosts es_hosts Cluster master host list
es_data_hosts es_hosts Cluster data host list
es_ingest_hosts es_master_hosts + es_data_hosts Cluster ingest host list
es_master_node true if host in es_master_hosts Allow this node to become master node
es_data_node true if host in es_data_hosts Configure this node to store data
es_ingest_node true if host in es_ingest_hosts Configure this node to ingest node
es_shard_count length(es_data_hosts) Number of shard per index
es_replica_count 1 if length(es_data_hosts) >= 2 Number of replica per index
es_extra_config {} Add extra configuration to ES (see example below)
es_path_data /var/lib/elasticsearch Default data directory
es_path_logs /var/log/elasticsearch Default log directory
es_path_repo /var/repo/elasticsearch Default repository directory for backup
es_default_backup_dir /var/backup/elasticsearch Default Backup directory
es_backup_dir es_default_backup_dir Backup dir
es_install_curator true Boolean for installing curator package
es_install_elasticdump true Boolean for installing elasticdump package
es_install_admin_scripts true Boolean for installing backups scripts
es_install_prompt_scripts false Install script for dynamic prompt
firewall_setup True Define if rôle open elasticsearch port, firewall_type must be defined is True
firewall_type firewalld Define which firewall is configured

Elasticsearch Tuning variables :

Variable Default value Description
es_index_unassigned_node_left_delayed_timeout 10m Time to wait before considering a node unavailable and reassign shard to another node in cluster
es_heap_size_prct 0.5 Memory reserved for Elasticsearch JVM
es_heap_size (50% RAM) Memory reserved for Elasticsearch JVM
es_java_opts Add extra java options to Elasticsearch JVM. Usefull to add proxy settings to download ES plugins.
es_vm_max_map_count 262144 Operating system limits on mmap counts
es_max_openfiles 65536 Limit for the number of open files on the OS (ulimit -n)
es_index_refresh_interval 30s Interval before refresh for new document to be available in search
es_ping_interval 10s Elasticsearch node ping interval
es_ping_timeout 60s Elasticsearch ping timeout
es_ping_retries 3 Elasticsearch ping retries if no response
es_ignore_non_master_pings true Ignore non master ping during election of master

X-PACK Options:

Variable Default value Description
es_xpack_enabled false Enable X-PACK
es_xpack_security_enabled false Enable X-Pack security
es_xpack_monitoring_enabled true Enable X-Pack monitoring
es_xpack_graph_enabled false Enable X-Pack graph module
es_xpack_ml_enabled false Enable X-Pack machine learning
es_xpack_monitoring_history_duration 7d Monitoring statistic retention period (>=1d)

ILM (Index Lifecycle Management) configuration :

Variable Default value Description
es_ilm {} Array of item to manage indices purge
es_ilm.key Name of ILM (use indice prefix)
es_ilm.key.hot_age Hot phase maximum age before rollover to warm phase
es_ilm.key.hot_size Hot phase maximum indice size before rollover to warm phase
es_ilm.key.cold_age Cold phase maximum age before rollover to delete phase
es_ilm.key.delete_age Delete phase maximum age before definitely remove indice

Purge options (deprecated, use ILM) :

Variable Default value Description
es_indice_purge Array of item to manage indices purge
es_indice_purge.age Indices older than this number of days is purged
es_indice_purge.prefix Indices prefix to purge

Plugin support change from elasticsearch version 2.x to 5.x. From version 5.x plugin must be handle by an HTTP web server. Thereby apache webserver was automatically install if es_plugin is defined and elasticsearch version >= 5.

Variables es_plugin is now a dictionary, see example below.

To Declare plugin in 2.x version :

Variable Default value Description Plugin name to install

To Declare plugin in 5.x version :

Variable Default value Description
es_plugins.plugin.url Git repository of plugin to install
es_plugins_path /var/www/elasticsearch Git repository of plugin to install
Variable Default value Description
use_satellite_repo false Use official internet repository to install package of this role. In case host have no internet access and package must be install from a local satellite, set this option to true. Repository must be previously declare in satellite and VM must be register to it before deploy this role.


From elasticsearch 5.x version, plugin require used of apache role and nodejs role.

Example Playbook

Very simple example for one ElasticSearch node :

- hosts: elasticsearch
    - role: elasticsearch

Simple example for 3 nodes ElasticSearch cluster :

- hosts: elasticsearch
    - role: elasticsearch
      es_cluster_name: clustername
      es_hosts: [ '', '', '' ]

Example with some usefull options :

- hosts: elasticsearch
    - role: elasticsearch
        - analysis-phonetic
        - analysis-icu
        gateway.recover_after_nodes: 3
        action.destructive_requires_name: "true"
      es_java_opts: "-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=80"

Complete example with N client node, M master node and X data node :

- hosts: elasticsearch-all
    - role: elasticsearch
      es_cluster_name: elasticsearch
      es_master_hosts: "{{ groups['elasticsearch-master'] }}"
      es_data_hosts: "{{ groups['elasticsearch-data'] }}"
      es_ingest_hosts: "{{ groups['elasticsearch-ingest'] }}"
      es_path_data: '/srv/elasticsearch/data'
      es_path_logs: '/srv/elasticsearch/logs'
      es_path_repo: '/srv/elasticsearch/repo'
      es_install_curator: true
      es_install_admin_scripts: true

Complete production example with N node :

- hosts: elasticsearch-all
    - role: elasticsearch
      es_cluster_name: es-cluster
      es_install_curator: true
      es_install_admin_scripts: true
      es_install_prompt_scripts: true
      es_hosts: "{{ groups['elasticsearch'] }}"
      es_shard_count: 6
      es_replica_count: 1
      es_path_data: "/srv/elasticsearch/data"
      es_path_logs: "/srv/elasticsearch/logs"
      es_path_repo: "/srv/elasticsearch/repo"


Install molecule and docker

sudo pip2 install molecule docker
For docker just follow the official doc

Launch the test with this command.

molecule verify # lint role
molecule check # dry run
molecule test # launch test from scracth
# You can relaunch test after with existing instances
ansible-playbook playbook

Docs on testing:



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