OSU-Sustainability-Office / automated-jobs

This repository contains various batch-like containerized tasks for OSU SO's data collection operations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Containerized CRON jobs written in Node v.18 for the Sustainability Office.


Basically, each automated-job is described through a dockerfile (containerized) then will be uploaded to an image registry (AWS ECR). Through the AWS Management Console we define Scheduled Tasks which run each container on a random node in a Cluster of AWS-managed VMs (or whatever AWS calls them).

Currently Active Jobs

All console commands below should be run from the directory unless stated otherwise, e.g. do cd SEC before node readSEC.js

  • SEC (Deployed): Retrieves some solar panel data from Student Experience Center. Email alerts integrated for failed upload.
    • node readSEC.js
  • ennex-os (Deployed): Retrieves some solar panel data from OSU Operations. Email alerts integrated for failed upload.
    • node readEnnex.js
  • Check-Acq (Deployed): Checks for Acquisuite (not solar panel) meter status. Email alerts integrated for missing or unchanging data.
    • node check-acq.js --<measurement> --save-output
      • --save-output Optional argument, saves output to check-acq/mergedFinalDataOutput.json or check-acq/mergedFinalDataOutput.txt (note that this output.json file is in .gitignore, it is not tracked on remote)
      • --<measurement> Optional argument. Choose --negative, --nodata, or --nochange. This restricts the script to only collect info on one specified measurement of negative data, missing data (--nodata flag), non-changing data
        • e.g. node check-acq.js --negative --save-output to filter for negative data only
        • Combining this with --save-output will add Negative, NoData, or NoChange to the output file name, e.g. check-acq/mergedFinalDataOutputNegative.json
        • Not providing the measurement argument will result in all measurements being collected
      • Sorted by meter ID (since summary section of output references them)
      • Meters with undefined meter group ID / meter ID / points are skipped
      • Duplicate meters are skipped
      • See check.acq.js code comments for more specific documentation of measurement collection logic, handling non-200 return code errors etc
    • node check-acq.js --all-meters
      • all-meters Optional argument. Do not include other arguments with this command. Gets all unique meters from allBuildings API call (except for meters that are in blacklist.json) and lists them as a flattened array of objects. Like the regular-acq script, uses meter_id, building_id, etc for more ease in searching
      • Sorted by building ID, then meter ID, like allBuildings API call
      • Meters with undefined meter group ID / meter ID / points are skipped
      • Duplicate meters are skipped
    • node check-acq.js --update-blacklist
      • --update-blacklist Optional argument. Do not include other arguments with this command. Will automatically update blacklist.json by removing any blacklisted meters no longer found in allBuildings.json, and updating meter group, building hidden, and energy type info
      • Note that meter_id and meter_note must already exist in blacklist.json (e.g. if you want to add an entry). The other fields are auto-populated from allBuildings API call.
        • It doesn't work the other way around; there is no automation for adding fields to blacklist.json, as it is left to user discretion how long a meter can be down before it can't be recovered
        • If a meter in the blacklist hasn't shown data for years, the best practice is to edit the "meter_group_relation" table in the SQL database to exclude that meter from any meter groups it is in
      • Sorted by building ID, then meter ID, like allBuildings API call
      • Duplicate meters are skipped
    • node format-allBuildings.js


  • TeslaSolarCity (Not Deployed): This webscraper is deprecated due to Tesla deprecation of service, now we are using iframes on a different public endpoint also provided by Tesla.
  • SunnyWebBox (Not Deployed): Can't access web-box without VPN access.

Important References for development


This repository contains various batch-like containerized tasks for OSU SO's data collection operations.


Language:JavaScript 99.8%Language:PowerShell 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%