OPeNDAP workflows that demonstrate access, visualization and downloading to remote data that is hosted in OPeNDAP servers. Here you will find examples that make us of data from
- NASA (via Earth Data Cloud access)
The goal of these notebooks is to introduce several OPeNDAP concepts from the Client side, and thus involve develop basic understanding of
- Data URLs to access remote datasets.
- Data URLs with constrant expressions (CEs) to subset remote data.
- Understand the DAP2 vs DAP4 models of OPeNDAP.
- Lazy inspection of remote data via pydap and xarray.
- Searching through different Portals to find OPeNDAP hosted Data.
This series of notebooks can be run interactively on a Binder environment . This will take care of all the environment installation required to run these notebooks.
You can also clone this repository and run them locally. For that you will need to have Anaconda installed. Then you can follow the next steps:
$ git clone
$ cd ESIP2024
$ mamba env create -f binder/environment.yml
$ mamba activate ESIP2024
You can now run the notebooks on your local browser by doing
$ jupyter lab
We only recommend start first with the
Since many of the notebooks will make use of a .json
created there with the appropriate EDL token credentials.