OOPMan / span-digital-exercise

Coding challenge exercise for SPAN Digital

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SPAN Digital Coding Exercise

A sample Scala project written for SPAN Digital that calculates league results using match data.

Input files are expected to be in the format:

Team A 3, Team B 0
Team A 1, Team B 1


  • Processing of 0...n input files in the correct format
  • Optional persistence (by default an in-memory database is used)
  • Sample data included (see usage instructions)

Implementation notes

This application uses scopt (https://github.com/scopt/scopt) to implement a CLI interface for loading and processing input files. Quill (http://getquill.io) is used to store the loaded data (and optionally persist that data to a non-volatile location) and calculate the league results (See the com.github.oopman.spandigitalexercise.DAO.calculateLeagueResults method for some interesting explorations in using Quill for mildly non-trivial things and the issues encountered doing so. TL;DR: Quill is great but still has a ways to go)

Execution Requirements

  • JRE 8+


  1. Install JRE 8+
  2. Navigate to https://github.com/OOPMan/span-digital-exercise/releases
  3. Download a pre-compiled JAR release
  4. Open a shell window and navigate to the location the pre-compiled JAR release was saved
  5. Execute java -jar span-digital-exercise-1.0.2.jar --help for usage instructions on optional persistence, sample data and file inputs

Compilation Requirements

  • Git
  • JDK 8+
  • SBT 1.x

The simplest way to get up and running with JDK 8+ and SBT is to visit one of the following links:

Compilation and execution of this project has only been tested on Kubuntu 17.10 using SBT installed via the official Debian package


  1. Install git
  2. Install JDK 8+
  3. Install SBT 1.x
  4. Open a shell and navigate to a suitable work location
  5. Execute git clone https://github.com/OOPMan/span-digital-exercise.git
  6. Execute cd span-digital-exercise
  7. Execute sbt assembly. This will cause SBT to:
    1. Download dependencies
    2. Compile the source code
    3. Run the unit tests
    4. Package the binaries into a fat JAR located in target/scala-2.12

If sbt assembly fails you may need to add the Artima Maven Repository to your global SBT file

Unit Tests

  1. Follow steps 1 through 6 of the Compilation process
  2. Execute sbt test


Coding challenge exercise for SPAN Digital


Language:Scala 100.0%