OFranke / sam-cdk-bug

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repository has a bug with python dependencies

  • run yarn
  • run yarn build
  • run cdk bootstrap
  • run sam build -> notice correct python pandas dependency in .aws-sam/build/pickletovizservicePickleToVizHandler68C6D6E2/pandas
  • run sam local invoke -> notice error Unable to import module 'handler': No module named 'pandas'

Getting started with AWS CDK

This readme is based one a few resources that you should read to fully understand the framework


The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.

Start the thing

  • run yarn run init to bootrap the cdk
  • run yarn dev to start local dev API

Useful commands

  • yarn run build compile typescript to js
  • yarn run watch watch for changes and compile
  • yarn run test perform the jest unit tests
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template

Invoking lambda functions locally with SAM

  • cdk synth --no-staging > template.yaml to create a template.yml file which sam will use to invoke the function
  • sam local invoke mywidgetserviceWidgetHandlerFAB6825C --event events/get.json --env-vars environment.json fire a local
  • mywidgetserviceWidgetHandlerFAB6825C is the lambda function reference, you can find it in template.yml
  • you can define GET/POST/ANY events as json and send them along your local function invocation
  • if your lambda accesses real ressources (e.g. an S3 bucket), local invocation wont be able to access the real bucket because the local environment variables are just the references in template.yml, not the real urls of AWS resources.
  • local invocations can therefore only access real existing AWS resources. You need to manually define environment variables to sam like that:
  "mywidgetserviceWidgetHandlerFAB6825C": {
    "BUCKET": "real-bucket-url"
  • start local development API: sam local start-api --env-vars environment.json


AWS cdk

List of all supported infrastructure components

sam CLI reference



Language:TypeScript 78.8%Language:JavaScript 13.5%Language:Python 7.7%