Department of Radiation Dosimetry of the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences high-altitude balloon experiment
- Block diagram update
- Correct submodule version PX4Firmware FMUv5
- Link to the used one-way Sik Modem Firmware
- Ground Software description
- Rescue cars Software description
- Standalone tracking device FW
- Payload FW and scripts
- CUAV V5+ FMUv5 with customised PX4 Firmware supporting
- 433 MHz Sik telemetry (one-way TX only)
- 868 MHz Lora Telemetry (TX only)
- TFHT01 Temperature and humidity sensors
- TF-ATMON Logging of data from the payload
- Standalone tracking device
- Redundant telemetry link
- Gondola orientation tracking and logging
- Reliable IMU sensor processing and calibration
- Possible of use relatively high-power payloads
- Pre-flight continuous charging possible
- Power monitoring and maximal uptime calculation relevant to actual temperature