O1ahmad / ansible-role-fluentd

Install and configure fluentd, a scalable unified logging and data collection service

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Ansible Role 🌀 🎫 Fluentd

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Table of Contents

Ansible role that installs and configures Fluentd, a unified and scalable logging and data collection service.

Supported Platforms:
* Debian
* Redhat(CentOS/Fedora)
* Ubuntu


A Ruby environment for gem installation types.

Role Variables

Variables are available and organized according to the following software & machine provisioning stages:

  • install
  • config
  • launch
  • uninstall


fluentd_user: <service-user-name> (default: fluentd)

  • dedicated service user and group used by fluentd for privilege separation (see here for details)

install_type: <package | gem> (default: gem)

  • package: maintained by the Treasure Data organization for Debian and Redhat distributions, package installation of fluentd pulls the specified package from the respective package td-agent management repository. See fluentd's official installation guide for more details.
    • Note that the installation directory is determined by the package management system and currently defaults to /opt/td-agent for both distros.
  • gem: installs fluentd gem from the offical Ruby gems community hosting site, rubygems.org.

gem_version: <string> (default: 1.7.4)

  • version of fluentd gem to install. Reference here for a list of available versions.

package_url: <path-or-url-to-package> (default: see defaults/main.yml)

  • address of a Debian or RPM package containing td-agent source and binaries.

Note that the installation layout is determined by the package management systems. Consult Fluentd's official documentation for both RPM and Debian installation details.

plugins: <list-of-strings> (default: [])

  • list of fluentd plugins to install. See fluentd's community site for the set of available plugins.


Configuration of fluentd is expressed within a single configuration file, fluentd.conf or td-agent.conf (depending on install type). By default, the file is located in a designated config directory determined by the installation type though it's location can be customized by setting the environment variable FLUENT_CONF within the services execution environment to the desired location.

The configuration file allows the user to control the input and output behavior of Fluentd by (1) selecting input and output plugins and (2) specifying the plugin parameters. It is required for Fluentd to operate properly.

See fluentd's official configuration guide for more details.

The following variable can be customized to manage the content of this configuration file and others to included by the @include directive:

config: <list-of-plugin-settings-hashes> default: {}

  • {fluent|td-agent}.conf consists of specifications of fluentd plugins, which manage various aspects or directives of the log and data ingestion process. These directives are as follows:
    • source: determine the input sources.
    • match: determine the output destinations.
    • filter: determine the event processing pipelines.
    • system: set system wide configuration.
    • label: group the output and filter for internal routing
    • @include: include other files

Utilizing this role, each directive to be rendered in the default configuration file or any included by the @include directive is fully expressible via two forms, either a hash of directive attributes or a single content key with a value representing an actual directive definition. See below for examples.


  - directives:
    - comment: Directive specified by attributes -- Listen on localhost:2411 for source data injections
      plugin: source
        "@type": http
        "@id": example
        port: 2411
    - comment: Directive specified by content field -- Add hostname where data was emitted from
      plugin: filter
      content: |
        <filter example>
          @type record_transformer
            hostname "#{Socket.gethostname}"
    - plugin: match
      match: "test.*"
        "@type": stdout

[config: {list-entry} :] name: <string> (default: fluentd | td-agent)

  • [optional] As previously mentioned, the @include directive allows configuration files to be loaded from locations across the host file-system. This parameter represents the name of the configuration file to render a set of directives (to follow) in as well as the name of the file that would be a part of such an @include.

[config: {list-entry} :] path: <string> (default: /etc/fluentd | /etc/td-agent)

  • [optional] represents the path to the configuration file on the local host

[config: {list-entry} :] directives: <list-of-hashes> (default: none)

  • list of directive hashes to render in the configuration file specified by the above parameters

[config: {list-entry} : directives: {list-entry}:] comment: <string> (default: none)

  • [optional] comment associated with plugin directive

[config: {list-entry} : directives: {list-entry}:] plugin: <string> (default: none)

  • type of plugin directive

[config: {list-entry} : directives: {list-entry}:] match: <string> (default: none)

  • regular expression to match with match directives

[config: {list-entry} : directives: {list-entry}:] attributes: <hash> (default: none)

  • directive specific attributes to include in definition. See fluentd's official built-in or community sites for the set of available attributes for each plugin.

[config: {list-entry} : directives: {list-entry}:] content: <string> (default: none)

  • actual representation of the directive definition. Value can contain formatting as expected to be set in a fluentd/td-agent.conf config file. See here for examples.


extra_run_args: <fluentd-cli-options> (default: [])

  • list of fluentd commandline arguments to pass to the binary at runtime for customizing launch. Supporting full expression of fluentd's cli, this variable enables the launch to be customized according to the user's specification.

custom_unit_properties: <hash-of-systemd-service-settings> (default: [])

  • hash of settings used to customize the [Service] unit configuration and execution environment of the Fluentd systemd service.
  Environment: "FLUENT_CONF=/path/to/custom/config.conf"
  LimitNOFILE: infinity

Reference the systemd.service man page for a configuration overview and reference.


perform_uninstall: <true | false> (default: false)

  • whether to uninstall and remove all artifacts and remnants of this fluentd installation on a target host (see: handlers/main.yml for details)


  • 0x0i.systemd

Example Playbook

default example:

- hosts: all
  - role: 0x0I.fluentd

install specific version of fluentd gem:

- hosts: all
    - role: 0x0I.fluentd
        install_type: gem
        gem_version: 1.8.0

include all custom configurations defined separately from default config:

- hosts: all
    - role: 0x0I.fluentd
          - directives:
              - comment: include all custom directive configurations
                plugin: include
                content: |
                  @include /etc/td-agent/conf.d/*.conf
          - name: "example-pipeline"
            path: /etc/td-agent/conf.d
              - plugin: source
                  "@type": stdin
                  format: none
                  tag: example.input
              - plugin: match
                match: "example.*"
                  "@type": stdout

add directives for debugging/troubleshooting:

- hosts: all
    - role: 0x0I.fluentd
        install_type: package
          - directives:
              - comment: set pipeline global log-level
                plugin: system
                  log_level: debug
              - comment: activate debug-agent listening on specified port
                plugin: source
                  "@type": debug_agent
                  port: 24230
              - plugin: match
                match: "*"
                  "@type": stdout



Author Information

This role was created in 2019 by O1.IO.


Install and configure fluentd, a scalable unified logging and data collection service


Language:Ruby 87.2%Language:Jinja 12.8%