Nyholm / puli

Puli returns the absolute file paths of the files in your PHP project through a unified naming system.

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Locating Files with Puli

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PHP >= 5.3.9

Puli returns the absolute file paths of the files (resources) in your PHP project through a unified naming system. Essentially, Puli lets you use a resource locator to access files like this:

echo $locator->get('/webmozart/puli/css/style.css')->getPath();
// => /path/to/resources/assets/css/style.css

This document teaches you how to use Puli in practice.


You can install Puli with Composer:

    "require": {
        "webmozart/puli": "~1.0@dev"

Run composer install or composer update and you're ready to start.

Tool Integration

Tool Description Version
Composer The Puli plugin for Composer builds resource locators from composer.json definitions. 1.0.0-alpha1
Twig The Puli extension for Twig lets you access templates via Puli paths. 1.0.0-dev

Repository Management

Puli manages files in a repository, where you map them to a path:

use Webmozart\Puli\Repository\ResourceRepository;

$repo = new ResourceRepository();
$repo->add('/webmozart/puli', '/path/to/resources/assets/*');
$repo->add('/webmozart/puli/trans', '/path/to/resources/trans');

The method add() works very much like copying on your local file system. The only difference is that no file is ever really moved on your disk.

You can locate the added files using the get() method:

echo $repo->get('/webmozart/puli/css/style.css')->getPath();
// => /path/to/resources/assets/css/style.css

echo $repo->get('/webmozart/puli/trans/en.xlf')->getPath();
// => /path/to/resources/trans/en.xlf

The get() method accepts either the path to the resource, a glob pattern or an array containing multiple paths or patterns. If you pass a pattern or an array, the method will always return an array as well.

foreach ($repo->get('/webmozart/puli/*') as $resource) {
    echo $resource->getRepositoryPath();

// => /webmozart/puli/css
// => /webmozart/puli/trans

You can remove resources from the repository with the remove() method:


Resource Locators

Building and configuring a repository is expensive and should not be done on every request. For this reason, Puli allows to dump resource locators that are optimized for retrieving resources. Resource locators must implement the interface ResourceLocatorInterface, which provides a subset of the methods available in the resource repository. Naturally, resource locators are frozen and cannot be modified.

Currently, Puli only provides one locator implementation: PhpResourceLocatorDumper. This locator caches the paths to the resources in your repository in PHP files. These files are usually stored in the cache directory of your application. Pass the path to this cache directory when you call the dumpLocator() method:

use Webmozart\Puli\LocatorDumper\PhpResourceLocatorDumper;

$dumper = new PhpResourceLocatorDumper();
$dumper->dumpLocator($repo, '/path/to/cache');

Then create a PhpResourceLocator and pass the path to the directory where you dumped the PHP files. The locator lets you then access the resources in the same way as the repository does:

use Webmozart\Puli\Locator\PhpResourceLocator;

$locator = new PhpResourceLocator('/path/to/cache');

echo $locator->get('/webmozart/puli/css/style.css')->getPath();
// => /path/to/resources/assets/css/style.css

echo $locator->get('/webmozart/puli/trans/en.xlf')->getPath();
// => /path/to/resources/trans/en.xlf

URI Locators

Puli allows to use multiple resource locators at the same time through the UriLocator. You can register multiple ResourceLocatorInterface instances for different URI schemes. Then you can use the UriLocator like a regular resource locator, except you need to pass URIs instead of simple paths. An example tells a thousand stories:

use Webmozart\Puli\Locator\PhpResourceLocator;
use Webmozart\Puli\Locator\UriLocator;

$locator = new UriLocator();
$locator->register('resource', new PhpResourceLocator('/cache/resource'));
$locator->register('namespace', new PhpResourceLocator('/cache/namespace'));

echo $locator->get('resource:///webmozart/puli/css/style.css')->getPath();
// => /path/to/resources/assets/css/style.css

echo $locator->get('namespace:///Webmozart/Puli/Puli.php')->getPath();
// => /path/to/webmozart/puli/src/Puli.php

In this example, the URI locator routes all requests for URIs with the protocol "resource://" to one resource locator and requests for URIs with the protocol "namespace://" to the other locator.

To improve performance in requests where you don't access either of the protocols, you can also register callbacks that create the resource locators:

$locator->register('resource', function () {
    return new PhpResourceLocator('/cache/resource')


Puli supports a stream wrapper that lets you access the contents of the repository transparently through PHP's file functions. To register the wrapper, call the register() method in ResourceStreamWrapper and pass a configured UriLocator:

use Webmozart\Puli\Locator\UriLocator;
use Webmozart\Puli\StreamWrapper\ResourceStreamWrapper;

$locator = new UriLocator();
$locator->register('resource', $repository);


You can now use regular PHP functions to access the files and directories in the repository.

$contents = file_get_contents('resource:///webmozart/puli/css/style.css');

$entries = scandir('resource:///webmozart/puli');

Even better: If you register the stream wrapper, you can use Puli resources with all frameworks and libraries that use PHP's file functions under the hood.


The get() method returns one or more ResourceInterface instances. This interface lets you access the name, the repository path and the real file path of the resource:

$resource = $repo->get('/webmozart/puli/css');

echo $resource->getName();
// => css

echo $resource->getRepositoryPath();
// => /webmozart/puli/css

echo $resource->getPath();
// => /path/to/resources/assets/css

The method getName() will always return the name of the resource in the repository. If you want to retrieve the name of the resource on the filesystem, use basename() instead:

$repo->add('/webmozart/puli', '/path/to/resources/assets');

$resource = $repo->get('/webmozart/puli');

echo $resource->getName();
// => puli

echo basename($resource->getPath());
// => assets


Directory resources implement the additional interface DirectoryResourceInterface. This way you can easily distinguish directories from files:

use Webmozart\Puli\Resource\DirectoryResourceInterface;

$resource = $repo->get('/webmozart/puli/css');

if ($resource instanceof DirectoryResourceInterface) {
    // ...

Directories are traversable and countable:

$directory = $repo->get('/webmozart/puli/css');

echo count($directory);
// => 2

foreach ($directory as $resource) {
    // ...

You can access the contents of a directory with the methods get(), contains() and all() or use its ArrayAccess interface:

$resource = $directory->get('style.css');
$resource = $directory['style.css'];

if ($directory->contains('style.css')) {
    // ...

if (isset($directory['style.css'])) {
    // ...

$resources = $directory->all();

Direct modifications of DirectoryResourceInterface instances are not allowed. You should use the methods provided by ResourceRepositoryInterface instead.

Overriding Files and Directories

Puli lets you override files and directories without losing the original paths. This is very useful if you want to remember a cascade of files in order to merge them later on. The method getAlternativePaths() returns all paths that were registered for a resource, in the order of their registration:

$repo->add('/webmozart/puli/config', '/path/to/vendor/webmozart/puli/config');
$repo->add('/webmozart/puli/config', '/path/to/app/config');

$resource = $repo->get('/webmozart/puli/config/config.yml');

echo $resource->getPath();
// => /path/to/app/config/config.yml

// Array
// (
//     [0] => /path/to/vendor/webmozart/puli/config/config.yml
//     [1] => /path/to/app/config/config.yml
// )


Resources managed by Puli can be tagged. This is useful for marking resources that support specific features. For example, you can tag all XLIFF translation files that can be consumed by a class Acme\Translator:

$repo->tag('/webmozart/puli/translations/*.xlf', 'acme/translator/xlf');

You can remove one or all tags from a resource using the untag() method:

// Remove the tag "acme/translator/xlf"
$repo->untag('/webmozart/puli/translations/*.xlf', 'acme/translator/xlf');

// Remove all tags

You can get all files that bear a specific tag with the getByTag() method:

$resources = $repo->getByTag('acme/translator/xlf');

You can also read all tags that have been registered in the repository:

$tags = $repo->getTags();

This method will return an array of strings, namely the tags that have been registered.

Automated Resource Discovery

Tagging can be used to implement classes that autonomously discover the resources they need. For example, the Acme\Translator class mentioned before can provide a discoverResources() method which extracts all resources marked with the "acme/translator/xlf" tag from the repository:

namespace Acme;

use Webmozart\Puli\Locator\ResourceLocatorInterface;

class Translator
    // ...

    public function discoverResources(ResourceLocatorInterface $locator)
        foreach ($locator->getByTag('acme/translator/xlf') as $resource) {
            // register $resource->getPath()...

Adding the tagged files to the translator becomes as easy as passing the repository or the resource locator:

use Acme\Translator;

$translator = new Translator();

Puli provides an interface ResourceDiscoveringInterface for marking such classes. Dependency Injection Containers can rely on this interface to inject the resource locator automatically.

namespace Acme;

use Webmozart\Puli\ResourceDiscoveringInterface;

class Translator implements ResourceDiscoveringInterface
    // ...

Custom File Patterns

By default, you can use Glob patterns to locate files both in the repository and on your filesystem:

// Glob the repository
foreach ($repo->get('/webmozart/puli/css/*.css') as $resource) {
    // ...

// Glob the filesystem
$repo->add('/webmozart/puli/css', '/path/to/resources/css/*.css');

If you want to use other patterns than Glob, you can create custom implementations of PatternInterface. As an example, look at the code of GlobPattern:

class GlobPattern implements PatternInterface
    private $pattern;

    private $staticPrefix;

    private $regExp;

    public function __construct($pattern)
        $this->pattern = $pattern;
        $this->regExp = '~^'.str_replace('\*', '[^/]+', preg_quote($pattern, '~')).'$~';

        if (false !== ($pos = strpos($pattern, '*'))) {
            $this->staticPrefix = substr($pattern, 0, $pos);
        } else {
            $this->staticPrefix = $pattern;

    public function getStaticPrefix()
        return $this->staticPrefix;

    public function getRegularExpression()
        return $this->regExp;

    public function __toString()
        return $this->pattern;

The method getRegularExpression() returns the pattern converted to a regular expression. The method getStaticPrefix() returns the prefix of the path that never changes. This is used to reduce the number of internal preg_match() calls.

In order to use custom patterns, pass the PatternInterface instance wherever a Glob pattern is accepted. For example, if you implement a class RegExpPattern:

foreach ($repo->get(new RegExpPattern('~^/webmozart/puli/css/.+\.css$~')) as $resource) {
    // ...

So far, the custom pattern only works for locating files in the repository. If you also want to use it to locate files on the filesystem, create an implementation of PatternLocatorInterface. As example, look at the code of GlobPatternLocator:

class GlobPatternLocator implements PatternLocatorInterface
    // ...

    public function locatePaths(PatternInterface $pattern)
        return glob((string) $pattern);

The locatePaths() method receives the pattern instance and returns the paths in the file system which match the pattern.

To use the locator, create an implementation of PatternFactoryInterface and return the locator from the createPatternLocator() method. A convenient solution is to let the locator itself implement this interface. If we assume again that you implemented a RegExpPatternLocator, you can extend the implementation like this:

class RegExpPatternLocator implements PatternLocatorInterface, PatternFactoryInterface
    // ...

    public function createPatternLocator()
        return $this;

Pass the factory to the constructor of the repository or the resource locator:

$repo = new ResourceRepository(new RegExpPatternLocator());

// Locate files using regular expressions
$repo->add('/webmozart/puli/css', new RegExpPattern('~^/path/to/css/.+\.css$~'));

If you try to implement the above code snippets, you will notice that the PatternFactoryInterface requires to implement two more methods, namely acceptsSelector() and createPattern(). These methods help to automatically create PatternInterface instances from the string selectors passed to add(), get() and similar methods. You could implement the methods like this:

class RegExpPatternLocator implements PatternLocatorInterface, PatternFactoryInterface
    // ...

    public function acceptsSelector($selector)
        return '~' === $selector[0];

    public function createPattern($selector)
        new RegExpPattern($selector);

With these additions, it's possible to pass custom patterns as strings. Internally, the methods of the pattern factory will be called to construct a new RegExpPattern instance automatically:

$repo->add('/webmozart/puli/css', '~^/path/to/css/.+\.css$~');


Puli returns the absolute file paths of the files in your PHP project through a unified naming system.

License:MIT License