Nxtra / AWS-Firehose-Json-Parquet-Conversion-Example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Firehose record format conversion

This project demonstrates the use of AWS Kinesis Firehose to convert a JSON records to Parquet format. The data is landed on S3. Partitions on s3 will be named following the Hive convention.

In template.yaml you will find the necessary cloudformation.


  • Deploy the stack
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template.yaml --stack-name firehose-record-format-conversion --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --region eu-west-1
  • In the output of the stack locate the Firehose name and S3Bucket name
  • Login to the AWS console and navigate to the service Kinesis
  • Locate your firehose (this will be under "Delivery Stream", "Data Firehose") and open the details of your firehose.
  • Hit test with demo data test-with-demo-data Notice that the demo data AWS sends maps to the schema we configured in cloudformation for our record conversion.
  • In the AWS console go to your S3 Bucket
  • After about a minute data will appear here.
  • Find the data! Partitions are following hive format! s3-succes
  • The data has been converted to parquet format!
