NveCorporation / Arduino-Involt-GMR-Current-Sensing

Reads a GMR magnetometer over a current-carrying trace with an Arduino and display the current in the trace on a virtual meter.

Repository from Github https://github.comNveCorporation/Arduino-Involt-GMR-Current-SensingRepository from Github https://github.comNveCorporation/Arduino-Involt-GMR-Current-Sensing


Read a GMR magnetometer over a trace with an Arduino and display the current throgh the trace on a virtual meter.

Uses an NVE AAL004 magnetometer sensor, an Arduino Uno, Canvas Gauges, and the Involt Arduino-to-HTML framework (based on the Chrome browser and NW.js; previously known as node-webkit).

Involt download: https://github.com/Involt/Involt

Node-webkit download: http://nwjs.io/

Involt intallation instructions: http://involt.github.io/getting-started.html

Live video: https://www.nve.com/Videos/video-page.php?video=AAL024-Involt&title=Arduino%20Noncontact%20GMR%20Current%20Sensing


Reads a GMR magnetometer over a current-carrying trace with an Arduino and display the current in the trace on a virtual meter.


Language:HTML 49.1%Language:C++ 28.8%Language:JavaScript 22.0%