NullString1 / SimpleADBProtocol

Basic ADB implementation in python

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple ADB Protocol Implementation

Basic documentation on implementing the ADB protocol using raw tcp sockets. See here for more in depth information and here for the official documentation

Connection steps

  1. Send CNXN packet (CNXN\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x10\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x32\x02\x00\x00\xBC\xB1\xA7\xB1host::\x00)
  2. Receive AUTH packet and payload of token
  3. Send AUTH packet and payload
    • Either sign token from previous AUTH packet with own private key and send back with type 2
    • or send own public key with type 3
  4. Receive 2 packets
    1. CNXN packet
    2. device:: packet (contains information about the device)
  5. Can now send any other packets


Messages consist of a 24 byte header (shown below) and an optional payload. Each argument in the heaeder a 32bit word (int32_t) in little endian format

struct message {
    unsigned command;       /* command identifier constant (A_CNXN, ...) */
    unsigned arg0;          /* first argument                            */
    unsigned arg1;          /* second argument                           */
    unsigned data_length;   /* length of payload (0 is allowed)          */
    unsigned data_crc32;    /* crc32 of data payload                     */
    unsigned magic;         /* command ^ 0xffffffff                      */

Useful functions

def str_byte(strr):
    return sum(c << (i * 8) for i, c in enumerate(bytearray(strr)))
def calc_crc(x):
    crc = 0
    for i in range(length):
        crc = (crc + x[i]) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    return crc

AUTH packet

cmd = str_byte(b"AUTH")
arg0 = 3 # Use 2 for signed token, 3 for public key
arg1 = 0
payload = key # signed token or public key
length = len(payload)
crc = calc_crc(payload)
magic = cmd ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
auth_packet = struct.pack(b'<6I', cmd, arg0, arg1, length, crc, magic)

OPEN packet

cmd = str_byte(b"OPEN")
arg0 = str_byte(b"\xA5") # Non zero value
arg1 = 0
payload = b"shell:(shell cmd)"
length = len(payload)
crc = calc_crc(payload)
magic = cmd ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
auth_packet = struct.pack(b'<6I', cmd, arg0, arg1, length, crc, magic)


Basic ADB implementation in python

License:GNU General Public License v3.0