Nubuck / pdf-to-png-converter

Library Convert PDF to PNG

Repository from Github https://github.comNubuck/pdf-to-png-converterRepository from Github https://github.comNubuck/pdf-to-png-converter


Node.js utility to compare PNG files without binary and OS dependencies.

Tests on push

Getting started


npm install -D pdf-to-png-converter


test(`Convert PDF To PNG`, async () => {
    const pngPages: PngPageOutput[] = await pdfToPng(pdfFilePath, { // The function accepts PDF file path or a Buffer
        disableFontFace: false, // If disabled, fonts will be rendered using a built-in font renderer that constructs the glyphs with primitive path commands.
        useSystemFonts: false, // When `true`, fonts that aren't embedded in the PDF document will fallback to a system font.
        viewportScale: 2.0, // The desired scale of PNG viewport
        outputFilesFolder: 'output/folder', // folder to write output png files,
        pdfFilePassword: 'password', // password for encrypted PDF



    name: string; // PNG page name in a format `{pdfFileName}_page_{pdfPageNumber}.png`,
    content: Buffer; // PNG page content
    path: string; // path to stored PNG file (empty string if outputFilesFolder is not provided)


Library Convert PDF to PNG

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%