NowinskiK / ssis-build

A set of utilities that allow to autonomously build a Visual Studio SSIS project (dtproj) into a deployment package (ispac), and deploy the package to an SSIS catalog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of utilities that allow to autonomously build a Visual Studio SSIS project (dtproj) into a deployment package (ispac), and deploy the package to an SSIS catalog. Project deployment model only. This set is distributed via a nuget package and can be dewnloaded locally and used from and build server environment through a Windows batch file or a Windows Powershell script. Utilities do not use any Microsoft SSIS or Visual Studio components, so there is no additional installation is needed on the build server.


Command line utility that builds a deployment package from a Visual Studio Project File ####Syntax:

ssisbuild [Project File] -Configuration <Value> [-OutputFolder <Value>] [-ProtectionLevel <Value>] [-Password <Value>] [-NewPassword <Value>] [-ReleaseNotes <Value>] [-Parameter:<Name> <Value>] [...[-Parameter:<Name> <Value>]]


  • Project File: Full path to a SSIS project file (with dtproj extension). If a project file is not specified, ssisbuild searches current working directory for a file with dtproj extension and uses that file.

  • -Configuration: Required. Name of project configuration to use.

  • -OutputFolder: Full path to a folder where the ispac file will be created. If ommitted, then the ispac file will be created in the bin/<Configuration> subfolder of the project folder.

  • -ProtectionLevel: Overrides current project protection level. Available values are DontSaveSensitive, EncryptAllWithPassword, EncryptSensitiveWithPassword.

  • -Password: Password to decrypt original project data if its current protection level is either EncryptAllWithPassword or EncryptSensitiveWithPassword, in which case the value should be supplied, otherwise build will fail.

  • -NewPassword: Password to encrypt resulting deployment packageif its resulting protection level is either EncryptAllWithPassword or EncryptSensitiveWithPassword. If ommitted, the value of the -Password switch is used for encryption, unless original protection level was DontSaveSensitive. In this case the value should be supplied, otherwise build will fail.

  • -Parameter: Project or Package parameter. Name is a standard full parameter name including the scope. For example Project::Parameter1. During the build, these values will replace existing values regardless of what they were originally.

  • -ReleaseNotes: Path to a release notes file. Supports simple or complex release notes format, as defined here.


ssisbuild.exe sample.dtproj -Configuration Release -Parameter:SampleParameter "some value"


A PowerShell Cmdlet that builds a deployment package from a Visual Studio Project File ####Syntax:

New-SsisDeploymentPackage [[-ProjectPath] <string>] -Configuration <string> [-OutputFolder <string>] [-ProtectionLevel <string>] [-Password <string>] [-NewPassword <string>] [-ReleaseNotes <string>] [-Parameters <hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]


New-SsisDeploymentPackage sample.dtproj -Configuration Release -Parameters @{"SampleParameter" = "some value"}


A command line utility that deploys an SSIS deployment package to an SSIS catalog. ####Syntax:

ssisdeploy [Ispac File] -ServerInstance <ServerInstanceName> -Catalog <CatalogName> -Folder <FolderName> -ProjectName <ProjectName> [-ProjectPassword <ProjectPassword>] [-EraseSensitiveInfo]


  • Ispac File: Full path to an SSIS deployment file (with ispac extension). If a deployment file is not specified, ssisdeploy searches current working directory for a file with ispac extension and uses that file.

  • -ServerInstance: Required. Full Name of the target SQL Server instance.

  • -Catalog: Name of the SSIS Catalog on the target server. If not supplied, then SSISDB value is used.

  • -Folder: Required. Deployment folder within destination catalog.

  • -ProjectName: Name of the project in the destination folder. If not supplied, then deployment file name is used.

  • -ProjectPassword: Password to decrypt sensitive data for deployment.

  • -EraseSensitiveInfo: Option to remove all sensitive info from the deployment ispac and deploy all sensitive parameters separately. If not specified then sensitive data will not be removed.

####Example: ssisdeploy.exe sample.ispac -ServerInstance dbserver\\instance -Catalog SSISDB -Folder SampleFolder -ProjectName Sample -ProjectPassword xyz -EraseSensitiveInfo

##Publish-SsisDeploymentPackage A PowerShell Cmdlet that that deploys an SSIS deployment package to an SSIS catalog. ####Syntax:

Publish-SsisDeploymentPackage [[-DeploymentFilePath] <string>] -ServerInstance <string> -Catalog <string> -Folder <string> -ProjectName <string> [-ProjectPassword <string>] [-EraseSensitiveInfo <bool>] [<CommonParameters>]


Publish-SsisDeploymentPackage sample.ispac -ServerInstance sql01 -Catalog SSISDB -Folder SomeFolder -ProjectName SampleSSISProject -ProjectPassword ssis1234

##Sample Build Powershell Script

param (
# Clean
Remove-Item -Path "build" -Recurse
Remove-Item -Path "packages\SSISBuild" -Recurse

# Make sure we have Nuget.exe
$nugetFolder = Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA "Nuget"

$nugetExe = Join-Path $nugetFolder "Nuget.exe"

if (-not (Test-Path $nugetFolder)) {
    New-Item $nugetFolder -ItemType Directory

if (-not (Test-Path $nugetExe)) {
    $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile $nugetExe

& $nugetExe update -self

# Download SSISBuild
$nugetExe = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Env:LOCALAPPDATA, "Nuget", "Nuget.exe")
& $nugetExe install SSISBuild -OutputDirectory "packages" -ExcludeVersion

# Import SSISBuild Modules
Import-Module .\packages\SSISBuild\tools\SsisBuild.Core.dll

New-SsisDeploymentPackage .\SampleSSISProject\SampleSSISProject.dtproj -ProtectionLevel $DeploymentProtectionLevel -Configuration $Configuration -Password $Password -NewPassword $NewPassword -OutputFolder .\build -ReleaseNotes $ReleaseNotesFilePath -Parameters @{"Project::SourceDBServer" = $SourceDBServer; "Project::SourceDBName" = $SourceDBName}

# Copy module to the artifacts folder so we can use it during the deployment without having to redownload it
Copy-Item .\packages\SSISBuild\tools\*.dll .\build

# Add deployment script to the build artifacts
Copy-Item .\deploy.ps1 .\build

##Sample Deployment Powershell Script param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$SSISInstanceName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$SSISCatalog, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$SSISDeploymentFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$SSISProjectName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Password )

# Import SSISBuild Modules
Import-Module .\SsisBuild.Core.dll

# Publish 
Publish-SsisDeploymentPackage -ServerInstance $SSISInstanceName -Catalog $SSISCatalog -Folder $SSISDeploymentFolder -ProjectName $SSISProjectName -ProjectPassword $Password


A set of utilities that allow to autonomously build a Visual Studio SSIS project (dtproj) into a deployment package (ispac), and deploy the package to an SSIS catalog

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C# 97.3%Language:F# 1.9%Language:PowerShell 0.6%Language:Batchfile 0.2%