NovaXam / BTM

Business trip manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Business trip manager

Technologies in use:

  • React
  • D3
  • Bootstrap
  • Spring
  • Java
  • PSQL
  • Docker
  • Flyway
  • Gradle
  • External API


  • Main
  • Add new trip
  • Graphs
  • Personal traveler page
  • Services
  • Information

Ideas for SPA:

Business trip manager aimes to help to improve company's business trips management experience. Track all company business' trips in one app with extended functionality and friendly analytic tools. It allows to add new business trip, update information about an existing one, delete/cancel entry from the list, observe all trips on the screen arranged by categories: Completed, In progress, Upcoming.

Components structure and their content:

  1. Trip tracker:
  • Competed: trips with representation of a list of 10 trips by screen (grey)
  • In progress: trips with representation of a list of 10 trips by screen (green)
  • Upcoming: trips with representation of a list of 10 trips by screen (blue)
  1. Add new trip:
  • form to add a new business trip:
    • name
    • designation
    • budget(could be extended by detailed expenditures)
    • duration
    • goal
    • status(done, in progress, upcoming)
    • button to save
    • button to cancel
  1. Weather & Time

  2. Graphs: - Start input - End input - Build button - Budget total per month - Frequency and duration - Destination

Flow chart

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DB scheme

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  • company HR person, accountant
  • entrepreneur / business men
  • traveler


HR / accountant:

As a person in charge to manage and control many internal operations in the company, I need a logical and straightforward represantation of the data about employees' trips on the page. In the best case, this data should be arranged by time scope: Past, Present, Future. Often I need to make rapports for different department. It would be nice to have a tools to build graphs on base of a particular time scale.


I wish to be able to track my business trip activity in order to be able to optimize travel expenditure.


Before to go to a new place I am always curious about the weather conditions and local time. Having bad experience with overlooking these small details in the past unexpectedly turned my travels to the wrong way.

User story of web-app:

Entering the main page a user sees Trip tracker at the center of the page. Above Trip tracker there is a Graphs block navigation block. At the left side of the screen is Weather block. At the left side of the screen there is Fancy logo Trip tracker has a following functionality - short description of each item - scroll in each category fiel - onClick => extend the field of each entry in the list with revealing hidden part down - extended version of the entry besides the hidden fields has button delet - each field in the extended entry view could be edited by click on its area - all extended entries could be scrolled up by click on the head of the category

Pressing Add new trip button a user opens a form to add new trip. A Form slides down revealing a field of the form need to be filled. All field are mandatory. In case to store the form with empty fields user gets a red flag please fill all the fields before to save the form.

There are two buttons at the bottom of the form. User can cancel or save the filled form. If a user hits Cancel button, form field scrolled up. If a user hits Save button form is added to the appropriate list of trips on the Trip tracker block. At the top of the page above Trip tracker there is Graphs block. It consists of three navigation button. Each button lead to the particular data representation Hitting the Graph button, particular graph area scrolled up. By default it represents data for the last 12 months. On the left hand from the graph there is a navigation block consists of two input field start and end. Using them a user can customize the time range represented on the graph Below these input fields there is a button Build. Hitting the button user update an information on the graph. If some of the field empty or if a range of the fields is not correct (a start date is later than end date) user get a red flag please verify your input. In this case the graph keeps the previous successful build. If the data inserted by user is correct, the state of a graph is updated In the upper right corner of the Graph area there is a cross button. User uses it to close the page

When user hits the cross button page is scrolled down and the view leads user back to the main screen. If user hits the button of the other graph when another graph is opened, another graphs appear below or above of the current graph depends on its position in JSX code Extra features of the web-app is a weather and a time checkers User invited to type the name of the city to travel on the form placed right below the Trip tracker As soon as user hits the enter button the data in the fields weather and time updated according with a user request


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Main dashboard with an opened aside menu

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aside menu represent three scope:

  • Weather and Time of a place of destination

  • Traveler profile by click on travel entry in main dashboard

  • Service still under construction

    Main dashboard with an opened aside menu and bottom bar

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bottom bar menu represent a statistic information about each stage colomn of the trip

Main dashboard with an opened form to add a new trip

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form to add new entry into a dashboard

  • It automaticaly create a traveler profile which could be modified in aside Traveler menu

    Graph part of the app with an opened graph "Destinations"

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by default it provide you with a graphic representation of statistic info for the last 12 month.

Graph part of the app with an opened graph "Expenditures"

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by default it provide you with a graphic representation of statistic info for the last 12 month.


Day Task Time to complet, h Status
1.1 mockUps, charts user flow, UX, UI, readme, 2, 2, 2, 1 done
1.2 build front-end, component structure of the app, write tests, content 6, 2, 3 done
1.3 build css effects, D3 graphs 3, 6 done
- #### MVP 27 hours done
2.1 Spring Boot architecture data base(MVC) 12 done
2.2 connect back-end and front-end, tests 6, 3 done
- #### Version 1 21 hours done
3.1 add calendar option on the graph, fix bugs 10, 2 done
3.2 redesign a grid 12 done
3.3 update an Add trip form 4 done
- #### Version 2 28 hours -
4.1 add sort option for dashboard 8 done
4.2 add horizontal menu 12 done
4.3 add traveler profile page 24 done
- #### Version 3 44 hours -
5.1 unit, integration, feature tests 24 upcoming
- #### Deployment V 1.01 24 upcoming
6.1 add authentification 16 upcoming
6.2 improve UI 16 upcoming
- #### Version 1.20 32 hours -
7.1 add Services sidebar 8 upcoming
7.2 add hotels page 24 upcoming
7.3 add map page 16 upcoming
7.4 add sightseeings page 24 upcoming
7.5 testing 16 upcoming
- #### Version 2.00 88 hours -
8.1 rebuild back-end using microservices 40 upcoming
- #### Version 2.01 40 hours -
9.1 rebuild front-end using redux upcoming
- #### Version 2.2 40 hours -
10.1 extend analytical tools 40 upcoming
- #### Version 3.01 40 hours -

Code snippet

handleSubApi(e) {
  const weather = `${this.state.inputCity}&units=metric&APPID=${key}`;
  const picture = `${this.state.inputCity.toLowerCase()}/images/`;
  Promise.all([axios(weather), axios(picture)]).then((res) => {
      weather: [res[0], res[0].data.main.temp, res[0].data.main.humidity, res[0][0].description],
      pictureBack: res[1][0]
    const time = `${res[0]}&lng=${res[0].data.coord.lon}&username=?????`;
    .then((data) => {
      const arr =" ");
        time: arr
  .catch((err) => {
    public Trip createNewTrip(@RequestBody Trip newTrip) {
        Place place;
        Traveler employee;
        if (placeRepository.findByName(newTrip.getDestination().getCity()) == null) {

        if (travelerRepository.findByName(newTrip.getTraveler().getName()) == null) {

        place = placeRepository.findByName(newTrip.getDestination().getCity());
        employee = travelerRepository.findByName(newTrip.getTraveler().getName());



    public HttpStatus deleteTrip(@PathVariable Long tripId) {
        return HttpStatus.OK;

    public Trip updateTrip(@PathVariable Long tripId, @RequestBody Trip newData) {
        Trip oldData = tripRepository.findById(tripId).get();

        if (newData.getTraveler() != null) {

        if (newData.getDestination() != null) {
            Place place = placeRepository.findByName(newData.getDestination().getCity());
        if (newData.getBudget() > 0) {
        if (newData.getGoal() != null) {
        if (newData.getTime() != null) {
        return oldData;


Business trip manager


Language:JavaScript 78.6%Language:Java 14.1%Language:CSS 4.6%Language:HTML 2.7%