Nour Sadek's repositories
This project builds a Java GUI application with Swing to create graphs and visualize graph algorithms
This project provided practice with using the pandas and pyplot libraries
A simple multi-user chat application built using WebSockets. It supports public chats where all users of the app can send and see messages, and private chat between two app users.
It contains practice for code challenges and data structures and algorithms implementations
This program can identify whether a number is each of the following 12 properties: even, odd, buzz, duck, palindromic, gapful, spy, square, sunny, jumping, happy, and/or sad
The application will generate mathematical expressions for a user to solve. Two levels of difficulty are implemented, and the results will be saved to a file
This project works as a "budget manager" for monthly purchases, where it allows the user to add their income and save the purchases that they have made
The user will have the option to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on two database tables
This project creates a desktop version of the game Tic-Tac-Toe using the Swing graphics library
In this project, the computer will try to guess the animal that the user has in mind, extending its knowledge base by learning new facts about animals and using this information in the next game.
This is a simple, static website that I built as practice while learning HTML and CSS
This project generates the play field and processes player moves in the game Minesweeper.
This project provided practice with the Keras dataset, training a variety of classification algorithms, and scikit-learn tools
This program prompts the user to play a game where, after "studying" the user's patterns in randomly typing 0's and 1's, aims to predict the user's input later
This project acted as practice for importing data from csv files, merging data from different tables, and using various SQL commands
This project provided practice with the pandas library and data analysis
This is a Java-based client-server application that allows clients to store data in and access data from a server in JSON format.
This project provided practice with logistic regression and the cost functions MSE and log loss
This program supports 13 languages where the user chooses the languages to translate from and to and a word, and the possible translations and examples for that word will be provided
This project provided practice with fitting and evaluating linear models with scikit-learn
This project acted as practice for basics of creating queries using SQLite syntax
This project simulates a simple banking system where accounts created get stored in a sqlite3 database
A simple RESTful API for creating and solving quizzes