NotMyself / Sisyphus.Core

Keeps rolling that rock uphill on schedule.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Keeps rolling that rock uphill on schedule.



Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Change directory into the cloned repository cd Sisyphus.
  3. Run script to register uri: script/register_uri.ps1.
  4. Open the Sisyphus.sln in Visual Studio.
  5. Open the Sql Server Object Explorer View, View > Sql Server Object Explorer.
  6. Under the (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB node, right click Databases and select Add New Database.
  7. Set Database Name to Sisyphus and click OK.
  8. Hit F5 to start the service as a console application.
  9. You should now be able to browse to http://localhost:8080 to see the Hangfire Dashboard.

External Dependencies

  1. Autofac - Dependency Intection framework used for service and plugin registration
  2. TopShelf - Service host framework used to host in console or windows service
  3. Hangfire - Background Job Processing framework used to schedule and execute long running jobs
  4. Hangfire.Pro - Extensions to Hangfire that add several advanced job type scenarios

Creating a New Job Project

  1. Open the Sisyphus.sln solution.

  2. Right click on the Jobs solution folder and select Add > New Project

  3. Select Class Library from the Visual C# section.

  4. Name your library Sisyphus.Jobs.*JobName* where JobName is the name of a single job or collection of jobs.

  5. Set the Location to the src folder located at the root of the repository.

    Add New Project

  6. Right click your new project and select Add > Existing Item.

  7. Navigate to the src folder and select the SolutionInfo.cs file.

  8. From the Add button drop down menu, select Add As Link.

    Add As Link

  9. Drag the linked SolutionInfo.cs into the Properties folder.

  10. Open the AssemblyInfo.cs file in the Properties folder and remove all attrubutes except these:

    • AssemblyTitle
    • AssemblyDescription
    • Guid
  11. Right click the Solution and select Manage Nuget Packages for Solution.

  12. You may be prompted for credentails for the Hanfire nuget feed, they can be found in NuGet.config.

  13. Add NuGet references to the following pacakges to your project using the installed tab of the Nuget Manager:

    • Autofac
    • Hangfire.Pro
    • Hangfire.Autofac
  14. Right click the new project and select Properties.

  15. Select the Build tab and modify the Output Directory for both Debug and Release as follows:

    • Debug = ..\Sisyphus.Service\bin\Debug\
    • Release = ..\Sisyphus.Service\bin\Release\
  16. Right click the Solution and select Project Dependecies.

  17. For the project Sisyphus.Service add a check next to your new project.

    Add Project Dependeices

  18. Build the Solution.

  19. Ensure your new project's built assembly is located in the bin directory for the Sisyphus.Service project.

Implementing a Job

  1. Your new job project should have a Class1.cs, open it.
  2. Implement the following interfaces found in Sisyphus.Core:
    • IBackgroundJob - implements the asyncronous Task to be run
    • IBackgroundJobSchedule - implements the schedule to run the Task
    • IBackgroundJobScheduler - implements the scheduling action
  3. Rename the Class1 class to something appropreate for your job as well as the Class1.cs file.

Registering a Job in Sisyphus.Service

  1. Add a new class named *JobName*Module where JobName is the name of your job or the collection of jobs.

    • It should match the name of your project.
  2. Inherit from the Module base class in Autofac.

  3. Override the Load method from the Module base class.

  4. Using the ContainerBuilder register each of your jobs as self, IBackgroundJob and IBackgroundJobScheduler

  5. In the Sisyphus.Service project, open the App.config.

  6. In the autofac\modules section add a weak assembly reference to your module.

    <module type="Sisyphus.Jobs.Example.ExampleModule, Sisyphus.Jobs.Example" />
  7. Build the Solution and Run.

  8. You should now see your job listed on the Hangfire Dashboard.


Keeps rolling that rock uphill on schedule.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%