- Operating System β’ Arch Linux
- Desktop Environment β’ Niri
- Terminal β’ kitty
- Shell β’ zsh
- Aur Helper β’ yay
- Panel β’ waybar
- Launcher β’ anyrun
- File Manager β’ thunar/yazi
- Notification Daemon β’ swaync
- Wallpaper Daemon β’ swww
- Colorscheme β’ Tokyo Night Theme
Assuming that your AUR helper is yay. To install yay on your arch based system, follow the instructions mentioned here.
Install these dependencies manually (Arch)
pacman -Sy niri wofi kitty wireplumber yazi zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf cava wl-clipboard \
waybar swayidle swaylock swaync qt5-wayland qt6-wayland playerctl mpv nm-connection-editor \
rofi-wayland grim slurp thunar pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio nushell \
pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse nwg-look noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji \
noto-fonts networkmanager gtk-engine-murrine blueberry bluez bluez-utils
yay -S anyrun-git wlogout swaylock-effects swayosd-git swww amberol sway-audio-idle-inhibit-git catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha orchis-theme
This method requires you to remove your previous configurations. Make sure to backup your previous configs if needed.
Clone the repository and Copy all files from the repo to your config folder.
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/NotMugil/niri-dots.git
cd niri-dots
cp -r .config/* ~/.config/
mkdir -p ~/.scripts
cp -r .scripts/* ~/.scripts/
# This step can be skipped if you are not using zsh shell
cp -r .zshenv ~/
All the commands listed in a single line to copy easily.
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/NotMugil/niri-dots.git && cd niri-dots && cp -r .config/* ~/.config/ && mkdir -p ~/.scripts && cp -r .scripts/* ~/.scripts/
cd ~
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/NotMugil/niri-dots.git
ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/anyrun/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/gtk-3.0/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/kitty/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/niri/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/rofi/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/swaylock/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/swaync/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/waybar/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/wofi/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.config/zsh/ ~/.config/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.scripts/ ~/ && ln -sf ~/niri-dots/.zshenv ~/
Install spicetify. (AUR: spicetify-cli
Copy niri-dots/.themes/spicetify/text
to ~/.config/spicetify/Themes/
(or wherever your spicetify themes are stored)
spicetify config current_theme Dribbblish
spicetify config color_scheme catppuccin-latte
spicetify apply
Install Tokyo Night theme from enkia
install from AUR: betterdiscordctl
Copy niri-dots/.themes/tokyo-night.theme.css
to ~/snap/discord/145/.config/BetterDiscord/
to manage gtk-theme, font and icon themes.
yay -S tokyonight-gtk-theme-git
Otherwise: Edit the following files:
gtk-theme-name = Tokyonight-Dark
and you might have to run:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark
- some issue #1
- some issue #2
- Prepare Pull_Request_Template.md
- Prepare Contrubuting.md
All keybinds can be found in the ~/.config/niri/config.kdl
in binds.
Keybind | Functionality |
Mod+RETURN | Spawns the terminal emulator kitty . |
Mod+D | Spawns an application launcher anyrun . |
Mod+E | Spawns the file manager thunar . |
Super+Alt+L | Spawns the screen locker swaylock . |
Mod+Q | Closes the focused window. |
Mod+Left | Focuses on the column to the left. |
Mod+Right | Focuses on the column to the right. |
Mod+Ctrl+Left | Moves the column to the left. |
Mod+Ctrl+Right | Moves the column to the right. |
Mod+Home | Focuses on the first column. |
Mod+End | Focuses on the last column. |
Mod+Shift+Left | Focuses on the monitor to the left. |
Mod+Shift+Right | Focuses on the monitor to the right. |
Mod+Page_Down | Focuses on the workspace below. |
Mod+Page_Up | Focuses on the workspace above. |
Mod+1 - Mod+9 | Focuses on specific workspace. |
Mod+Ctrl+1 - Mod+Ctrl+9 | Moves a column to specific workspace. |
Mod+Comma | Consumes a window into the column. |
Mod+Period | Expels a window from the column. |
Mod+R | Switches to the next column width preset. |
Mod+F | Maximizes the current column. |
Mod+C | Centers the current column. |
Mod+Minus | Decreases column width by 10%. |
Mod+Equal | Increases column width by 10%. |
Takes a screenshot of the entire screen. | |
Ctrl+Print | Takes a screenshot of the current screen. |
Alt+Print | Takes a screenshot of the current window. |
Mod+Shift+E | Quits the window manager with confirmation. |
Mod+Shift+P | Powers off the monitors. To turn them back on, any input is required. |
Mod+WheelScrollDown | Scrolls down through workspaces. |
Mod+WheelScrollUp | Scrolls up through workspaces. |
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollDown | Moves the column down through workspaces. |
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollUp | Moves the column up through workspaces. |
Mod+WheelScrollRight | Focuses on the column to the right. |
Mod+WheelScrollLeft | Focuses on the column to the left. |
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollRight | Moves the column to the right. |
Mod+Ctrl+WheelScrollLeft | Moves the column to the left. |
Mod+Shift+WheelScrollDown | Focuses on the column to the right. |
Mod+Shift+WheelScrollUp | Focuses on the column to the left. |
Mod+Ctrl+Shift+WheelScrollDown | Moves the column to the right. |
Mod+Ctrl+Shift+WheelScrollUp | Moves the column to the left. |
XF86AudioRaiseVolume | Increases audio volume. |
XF86AudioLowerVolume | Decreases audio volume. |
XF86AudioMute | Mutes/unmutes audio. |
XF86AudioMicMute | Mutes/unmutes microphone. |