NotBrianZach / embedding-server

Stateless HTTP service for computing sentence embeddings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sentence embeddings over HTTP

NB: This is an experiment but I welcome feedback if it's useful for you!

This is a stateless server that can compute a "sentence embedding" from given English words or sentences; the request/response model uses a simple JSON-based HTTP API.

A sentence embedding is a way of encoding words into a vector space, such that similar words or ontological phrases are "close together" as defined by the distance metric of the vector space. For example, the terms "iPhone" and "popular smartphone" can each be transformed into a real-valued vector of N entries; they will be considered "close together", in such a system, while "iPhone" and "Roku" would be further apart. This is useful for certain forms of semantic search, for instance.

Internally this server is written in Python, and uses the sentence-transformers library and (transitively) PyTorch to compute embeddings. The API is served over FastAPI by way of hypercorn. The system is packaged and developed with Nix.

Because this server is completely stateless, it can be scaled out vertically with more workers — though, Python will likely always imply some level of compute/latency overhead versus a more optimized solution. However, it is easy, simple to extend, and simple to understand.

There are probably other various clones and/or copies of this idea; but this one is mine.

Running the server + HTTPie Demo

You have two options to run the server, in general:

  • Use Nix with nix run (hacking, quick ease of use)
  • Docker/podman/OCI runtime (probably everywhere else)
docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000
# OR
nix run --tarball-ttl 0 github:thoughtpolice/embedding-server

The server is now bound to port 5000 (the default.)

Now, you can query the model list, and then encode two independent words with one request:

http get localhost:5000/v1/models
http get localhost:5000/v1/encode \
  model=all-MiniLM-L6-v2 \

Prometheus support

Use the /metrics endpoint.

API endpoints

The API is loosely inspired by the OpenAI Embedding API, used with text-embedding-ada-002.

Endpoint: GET /v1/models

The request is a GET request, with no body. The response is a JSON object like follows, listing all possible models you can use with the v1/encode endpoint:

  "data": [
  "object": "list"

NB: Currently, all-MiniLM-L6-v2 is the only available model.

Endpoint: GET /v1/encode

The request is a GET request, with a JSON object body, containing two fields:

  • input: list[string]
  • model: string

The input can simply be a list of words or phrases; the model is the supported text embedding model to use, which must be one of the options returned from v1/models.

Given a JSON request:

  "model": "all-MiniLM-L6-v2",
  "input": ["iPhone", "Samsung"]

The response JSON will look like the following:

    "data": [
            "dims": 384,
            "embedding": [
            "index": 0,
            "object": "embedding"
            "dims": 384,
            "embedding": [
            "index": 1,
            "object": "embedding"
    "model": "all-MiniLM-L6-v2",
    "object": "list"

This is fairly self explanatory, and effectively the only possible response; though the object fields will help the schema evolve in the future. The data list will have a list of objects, each containing the dimensions of the vector as well as the index referring to which input this embedding is for.


Install direnv into your shell of choice, then move into this repository, direnv allow the .envrc file, and you can just run the ./ script directly as you wish.

The flake.nix file describes the actual Nix packages that are exported/built from this repo. In short:

nix build '.#embedding-server'
nix build '.#docker-image'

You need impure-derivations enabled in experimental-features and, practically speaking, Nix 2.15 or later, probably, since that's what I test with.


This package tries using impure-derivations to package model data. This feature allows us to write a Nix expression which, in its body, downloads the model data from over the network; this data is then "purified" with a fixed-output derivation.

This allows us to have a single source of truth — the script itself — as the source of truth for all model data, so we don't have to manually replicate all of the downloads of each model inside a .nix file. However, we do have to update the hash of the fixed-output derivation, and it isn't clear if the hugging face libraries can be configured to download stable model versions. We may have to use another approach, eventually.


MIT or Apache-2.0; see the corresponding LICENSE-* file for details.


Stateless HTTP service for computing sentence embeddings

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 56.2%Language:Nix 43.8%