NorthGuard / object_recursion

Allows for recursively analysing Python objects. Can determine recursive type and memory-consumption of objects (experimental), as well as shared memory between objects (equally experimental).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Object Recursion

This system recurse through objects' references to perform various computations.
So far the system is capable of:

  • Recursively print the type of an object and contained objects.
    Ex. rtype([(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')]) will product a string with: list[tuple[int,str]].
    See Type Recursive.
  • Print a recursive-tree of cotnained objects.
    Used mostly for observing the functionality of the system.
    See Recursive Container Tree String.
  • Compute the approximate memory consumption of an object and all objects referenced to by the object.
    Objects references to multiple times does not count multiple times in the memory-consumption (just a reference).
    See Size Recursive.
  • Compute the memory overlap of multiple objects.
    Given multiple objects, the method will produce a matrix.
    The diagonal elements are the sizes of each object.
    The non-diagonal elements are the memory overlap of the objects in the related row and the column.
    See Size Overlap.

Run python -m object_recursion for a test of all parts of the system.

Type Recursive

Allows for recursively determining types of various Python objects.


Calling rtype() on an object returns a string describing the type and contained types of that object.

print(rtype([1, None, "str"]))
# Prints: list[int|None|str]

print(rtype((False, [" "])))
# Prints: tuple[bool,list[str]]

The method can also handle user-defined classes.

Test Script

The script, runs the method on a list of objects and creates the following print. On the left there is the string-representation of each object as returned by repr(obj), on the right is the recursive type returned by rtype(obj).

Object                                            : rtype()
1                                                 : int
2.3                                               : float
None                                              : None
False                                             : bool
'hello'                                           : str
[1, 2, 3]                                         : list[int]
['a', 'b']                                        : list[str]
[1, 'h']                                          : list[int|str]
(False, 1, '2')                                   : tuple[bool,int,str]
{1.2, 2.3, 3.4}                                   : set[float]
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]                 : list[list[int]]
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')]                              : list[tuple[int,str]]
{1: 'b', 2: 'c'}                                  : dict[int: str]
{1: 'b', 2: None}                                 : dict[int: None|str]
[<__main__.Foo object at 0x7fdad17f8a90>]         : list[Foo]
[<function bar at 0x7fdae8cebe18>]                : list[bar()]
Bob(a=1, b=2, c=3)                                : Bob[int,int,int]
array([1, 2, 3])                                  : ndarray
array([['1', 'b'], ['3', '4']], dtype='<U21')     : ndarray
<__main__.SomeClass object at 0x7fdae8ccaeb8>        : SomeClass
[1, [4, [2, [...]]], <__main__.SomeClass object  ..  : list[SomeClass|list[int|list[..]]|int]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ..  : list[int]



The symbols below are used in the representation, but can all be changed with optional arguments to rtype().

[] Delimiters of types contained within another object (fx. lists, tuples or dictionaries).
| Indicates that a mutable object can have various interchangeable types (fx. lists).
, Indicates that an immutable object can have various ordered types (fx. tuples).
: Symbol for the mapping from one type to another (fx. dictionaries).
() Indicates that the passed argument is callable.

If a user-defined class is both en iterable and callable etc. then it will only be shown as one of those things.

Numpy dimensions

Default setting is to show how many dimensions a numpy array has. For example a one-dimensional array will have type np.1darray while a two-dimentional matrix will have type np.2darray. This numbering can be turned off by passing show_numpy_dimensions=False to rtype(), in which the two types would both be np.ndarray.


rtype() by default recursively goes through all objects within an object. With large data-structures this can get time-consuming. Therefore one can pass sampling=X to rtype(), where X is an integer. With this argument, rtype() takes random X samples from any list/tuple/iterable etc. and creates a type-string based on those sample. This is of cause much faster, but one can not be sure that every nested type is reported (for example if a single None-value is hidden between thousands of integers).

Recursive Container Tree String

rcontainer_tree_str(obj) will print a recursive tree of a container-object.

[1, [2, 3, ((4, 5), 7)]]


[1, [2, 3, ((4, 5), 7)]]
  [2, 3, ((4, 5), 7)]
    ((4, 5), 7)
      (4, 5)

Size Recursive

rsize(obj) allows computing an approximation fo the memory-consumption of obj.

The test-script will produce the following output, comparing the method to sys.getsizeof() and pympler.asizeof() (if pymbler is not installed, the column will not be filled, but the program does not crash). The left-most column contains repr(obj) of each object. rsize() tends to hold a middle ground of the three methods.

Object                                            : pympler.asizeof()  : rsize()     : sys.getsizeof()    
1                                                 : 32                 : 28          : 28                 
2.3                                               : 24                 : 24          : 24                 
None                                              : 16                 : 16          : 16                 
False                                             : 24                 : 24          : 24                 
'hello'                                           : 56                 : 54          : 54                 
[1, 2, 3]                                         : 184                : 172         : 88                 
['a', 'b']                                        : 208                : 196         : 80                 
[1, 'h']                                          : 176                : 166         : 80                 
(False, 1, '2')                                   : 192                : 182         : 72                 
{1.2, 2.3, 3.4}                                   : 296                : 296         : 224                
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]                 : 640                : 604         : 88                 
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')]                              : 400                : 380         : 80                 
{1: 'b', 2: 'c'}                                  : 432                : 240         : 240                
{1: 'b', 2: None}                                 : 384                : 240         : 240                
[<__main__.Foo object at 0x7fdad17f8a90>]         : 240                : 128         : 72                 
[<function bar at 0x7fdae8cebe18>]                : 72                 : 208         : 72                 
Bob(a=1, b=2, c=3)                                : 224                : 156         : 72                 
array([1, 2, 3])                                  : 120                : 120         : 120                
array([['1', 'b'], ['3', '4']], dtype='<U21')     : 448                : 448         : 448                
<__main__.SomeClass object at 0x7fdae8ccaeb8>        : 568                : 168         : 56                 
[1, [4, [2, [...]]], <__main__.SomeClass object  ..  : 1712               : 3960        : 888                
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ..  : 896                : 3664        : 864   

Size Overlap

rsize_overlap(*args) builds on top of rsize(obj) and allows for computing the sizes of objects, while detecting memory-overlap between the objects. The output is a matrix, where the diagonal elements are the rsize(obj)-sizes of each object, while the non-diaginal elements are the memory overlaps of the objects in the row and column.

Below is an example of the method.

Object and shared memory consumption:
               obj1    obj2    obj3  long_list  looper1  cont_looper1
obj1          464.0   212.0     0.0       28.0      0.0          56.0
obj2          212.0  1680.0  1316.0        0.0      0.0          28.0
obj3            0.0  1316.0  1536.0        0.0      0.0           0.0
long_list      28.0     0.0     0.0     3664.0      0.0          28.0
looper1         0.0     0.0     0.0        0.0    168.0         168.0
cont_looper1   56.0    28.0     0.0       28.0    168.0        4016.0

Object 'a' is shared by obj1 and obj2, and consumes 212 Bytes
Object 'b' is shared by obj2 and obj3, and consumes 1316 Bytes
Object 'cont_looper1' contains 'looper1'
Object 'cont_looper1' shares integers with other objects


Allows for recursively analysing Python objects. Can determine recursive type and memory-consumption of objects (experimental), as well as shared memory between objects (equally experimental).

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%