Nooste / efre-lod-elasticsearch-tools

collection of python scripts for a toolchain to feed an ElasticSearch-Index with bibliographic metadata and harvest RDF out of it

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EFRE Linked Open Data ElasticSearch Toolchain

Collection of python3 tools/programs/daemons to map bibliographic metadata to a usable LOD-schema into JSON-LD. The base of the source-data must be MARC21 (bibliographic and authority) and it can be enriched using various webservices. Prerequisits is to have this data in a Elasticsearch-Index in marcXchange format. Use this tool to transpose binary or XML formatted MARC21: marc2jsonl. To ingest your Line-delimited JSON rawdata and the transformed to Elasticsearch, the best tool is esbulk, but use the -id switch for your Pica Product Numbers (001). In our case, we use, but you can use your own schema, just adjust

Table of Contents

initialize environment







set the PYTHONPATH variable to the path of this git repository and it's subfolders. It also works when called outside of the git repository.


. ./

simple download-script for saving a whole ElasticSearch-index, just the corresponding type or just a document into a line-delimited JSON-File

it reads some cmdline-arguments and prints the data to stdout. you can pipe it into your next processing-programm or save it via > to a file.

also contains some useful functions used in other tools.

	-h, --help        show this help message and exit
	-host HOST        hostname or IP-Address of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is localhost.
	-port PORT        Port of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is 9200.
	-index INDEX      ElasticSearch Search Index to use
	-type TYPE        ElasticSearch Search Index Type to use
	-source SOURCE    just return this field(s)
	-include INCLUDE  include following _source field(s)
	-exclude EXCLUDE  exclude following _source field(s)
	-id ID            retrieve single document (optional)
	-headless         don't include Elasticsearch Metafields
	-body BODY        Searchbody
	-server SERVER    use http://host:port/index/type/id?pretty. overwrites host/port/index/id/pretty
	-idfile IDFILE    path to a file with newline-delimited IDs to process
	-pretty           prettyprint




sudo apt-get install python3-elasticsearch

esmarc is a python3 tool to read line-delimited MARC21 JSON from an elasticSearch index, perform a mapping and writes the output in a directory with a file for each mapping type.

dependencies: python3-elasticsearch


	-h, --help            show this help message and exit
	-host HOST            hostname or IP-Address of the ElasticSearch-node to use. If None we try to read ldj from stdin.
	-port PORT            Port of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is 9200.
	-type TYPE            ElasticSearch Type to use
	-index INDEX          ElasticSearch Index to use
	-id ID                map single document, given by id
	-help                 print this help
	-prefix PREFIX        Prefix to use for output data
	-debug                Dump processed Records to stdout (mostly used for debug-purposes)
	-server SERVER        use http://host:port/index/type/id?pretty syntax. overwrites host/port/index/id/pretty.
	-pretty               output tabbed json
	-w W                  how many processes to use
	-idfile IDFILE        path to a file with IDs to process
	-query QUERY          prefilter the data based on an elasticsearch-query
	-generate_ids         switch on if you wan't to generate IDs instead of looking them up. usefull for first-time ingest or debug purposes
	-lookup_host LOOKUP_HOST Target or Lookup Elasticsearch-host, where the result data is going to be ingested to. Only used to lookup IDs (PPN) e.g.


$ -server

transforms the marcXchange data to line-delimited data.

creates a output directory for every type of entity set up. is a Python3 program that enrichs ("links") your data with more identifiers from entitiyfacts. Prerequisits is that you have a field containing your GND-Identifier.

It connects to an elasticsearch node and outputs the enriched data, which can be put back to the index using esbulk.


	-h, --help            show this help message and exit
	-host HOST            hostname or IP-Address of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is localhost.
	-port PORT            Port of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is 9200.
	-index INDEX          ElasticSearch Search Index to use
	-type TYPE            ElasticSearch Search Index Type to use
	-id ID                retrieve single document (optional)
	-searchserver SEARCHSERVER use http://host:port/index/type/id?pretty. overwrites host/port/index/id/pretty
	-stdin                get data from stdin
	-pipeline             output every record (even if not enriched) to put this script into a pipeline



e.g. (ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install python3-elasticsearch is a Python3 program that enrichs ("links") your data with the wikidata-identifier from wikidata. Prerequisits is that you have a field containing your GND-Identifier. Other identifiers are planned to be used in future.

It connects to an elasticsearch node and outputs the enriched data, which can be put back to the index using esbulk.


	-h, --help      show this help message and exit
	-host HOST      hostname or IP-Address of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is localhost.
	-port PORT      Port of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is 9200.
	-index INDEX    ElasticSearch Search Index to use
	-type TYPE      ElasticSearch Search Index Type to use
	-id ID          retrieve single document (optional)
	-stdin          get data from stdin
	-pipeline       output every record (even if not enriched) to put this script into a pipeline
	-server SERVER  use http://host:port/index/type/id?pretty. overwrites host/port/index/id/pretty


python3-elasticsearch python3-rdflib

e.g. (ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install python3-elasticsearch python3-rdflib

This python3 program/daemon transforms line-delimited json either read in from a file or from an elasticsearch-Index to RDF.


	-help		print this help
	-debug		more debugging output
	-host		hostname or IP-Address of the ElasticSearch-node to use
	-port		port of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is 9200
	-index		index of the ElasticSearch to use
	-type		doc_type of the ElasticSearch-Index to use
	-scroll		serialize the whole Index to RDF
	-doc		serialize a single document, required parameter is the _id of the document
	-inp		don't use elasticsearch, serialize the RDF out of this line-delimited JSON file
	-context	deliver a url to the context if there is no @context field in the data
	-server		use http://host:port/index/type/id?pretty syntax. overwrites host/port/index/id arguments


python3-rdflib python3-elasticsearch

##TODO ElasticSearch ingest

This small pythonscripts converts the D-NB or SWB IDs in your elasticSearch bibliographic works or authority index which are referring to other bib/auth data to @id. You need several indices for all authority entitys. The output is the enriched data which can be put back into the index by piping it into esbulk.


	-h, --help            show this help message and exit
	-host HOST            hostname or IP-Address of the ElasticSearch-node to use. If None we try to read ldj from stdin.
	-port PORT            Port of the ElasticSearch-node to use, default is 9200.
	-type TYPE            ElasticSearch Index to use
	-index INDEX          ElasticSearch Type to use
	-help                 print this help
	-stdin                get data from stdin
	-id ID                enrich a single id
	-server SERVER        use http://host:port/index/type/id syntax. overwrites host/port/index/id/pretty
	-searchserver SEARCHSERVER search instance to use. default is -server e.g.
	-pipeline             output every record (even if not enriched) to put this script into a pipeline




collection of python scripts for a toolchain to feed an ElasticSearch-Index with bibliographic metadata and harvest RDF out of it

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.2%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:JavaScript 0.3%