Nonso-Analytics / Udacity-Data-Wrangling

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WeRateDogs : A Data Wrangling Project

by Chinonso Okonkwo


This is a repository for Udacity Data Analyst Project 2 (Data Wrangling). The dataset used in the project is also included in this repository. The aim is to broaden my data gathering skills as well as to produce Three Insights from the analysis.


The libraries/packages used on this project include:

  • Pandas – For storing and manipulating structured data. Pandas functionality is built on NumPy (upgrade to version 0.25.1)
  • Numpy – For multi-dimensional array, matrix data structures and, performing mathematical operations
  • Matplotlib – For all visualizations
  • Tweepy - open-sourced, easy-to-use for accessing the Twitter API. It gives you an interface to access the API from your Python application.
  • Requests - allows you to send HTTP requests using Python.
  • os - For interacting with the operating system
  • json - For parsing JSON into a Python dictionary or list. It can also convert Python dictionaries or lists into JSON strings.
  • re - provides a set of powerful regular expression facilities, which allows one to quickly check whether a given string matches a given pattern (using the match function), or contains such a pattern (using the search function).


I gathered data using three different methods in this project;

  1. Using pandas read_csv
  2. Using Requests library to gather image predictions data
  3. Tweepy library to gather additional data via Twitter API The three datasets were assessed and cleaned individually, then later merged as one.

Project Methodology

The main steps for this project can be summarized as follows:

  • Data Wrangling
    • Data Gathering
    • Data Assessment
    • Data Cleaning
  • Analysis/Visualization


Based on the data and analysis carried out;

  • @WeRateDogs audience likes Doggo and Puppo dogs much more than any. If @WerateDogs is trying to garner engagements on his tweets, he should post more on doggo and puppo dogs to garner more likes.

  • Tweeting from an Iphone gathers more likes, but it is worthy to note that there are other factors that could be at play such as contents of the tweet, the dog_stage as well.

  • There is a positive relationship/correlation between Retweets and Likes. Also the Pearson's coefficient is 0.86 which is close to 1 (positive correlation). As any tweet, Tweeted by WeRateDogs gets retweeted, there is a likely increase in number of Likes.


  1. I was unable to retrieve the tweet status of about 29 tweets while querying twitter ( I got the error could not retrieve status id)
  2. Based on cleaning tweets that did not have a dog name, a particular souurce 'Vine - Make a Scene' was eliminated, hence the analysis is representative of only a short sample.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%