Nomi / PiCalc

Calculation of digits of Pi with high precision. Parallelized/Multi-threaded. Tested for upto 1 Billion digits. Uses Chudnovsky algorithm with Binary Splitting. Also, uses libgmp for arbitrary precision arithmetic. NOTE: Now also contains KMP algorithm for pattern matching.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Main branch for the program. (Documentation below)


Note: The program in this branch focuses on performant Windows code but due to GMP incompatibilities it will not work for more than 10^8 digits.

#Documentation: tbd


Calculation of digits of Pi with high precision. Parallelized/Multi-threaded. Tested for upto 1 Billion digits. Uses Chudnovsky algorithm with Binary Splitting. Also, uses libgmp for arbitrary precision arithmetic. NOTE: Now also contains KMP algorithm for pattern matching.


Language:C++ 62.5%Language:C 37.5%