NokutokaMomiji / Enma

Enma is a Python library designed to fetch and download manga and doujinshi data from many sources including Manganato and NHentai.

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Enma is a Python library designed to fetch manga and doujinshi data from many sources. It provides a unified interface to interact with different manga repositories, making it easier to retrieve manga details, search for manga, paginate through results, and fetch random manga.


  • Python 3.9+


pip install --upgrade enma

Ensure you have the required Python version:

import sys

package_name = "enma"
python_major = "3"
python_minor = "9"

    assert sys.version_info >= (int(python_major), int(python_minor))
except AssertionError:
    raise RuntimeError(f"{package_name!r} requires Python {python_major}.{python_minor}+ (You have Python {sys.version})")


You can consult full Enma documentation at

Features Comparison

Feature NHentai Manganato
random 🚫
author_page 🚫
set_config 🚫


Example 1: Using Default Available Sources

from typing import cast
from enma import Enma, DefaultAvailableSources, CloudFlareConfig, NHentai, Sort

enma = Enma[DefaultAvailableSources]()

config = CloudFlareConfig(
    user_agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',

nh_source = cast(NHentai, enma.source_manager.source)

doujin = enma.random()

Example 2: Extending with Custom Sources

from typing import cast
from enma import Enma, SourcesEnum, Manganato, IMangaRepository

class AvailableSources(SourcesEnum):
    NHENTAI = 'nhentai'
    MANGANATO = 'manganato'
    NEW_SOURCE = 'new-source'

enma = Enma[AvailableSources]()

enma.source_manager.add_source(source_name='new-source', source=Manganato()) # Source MUST be an instance of IMangaRepository

manga = enma.random()

Downloading Chapters

Using Enma you're able to download chapter pages to your local storage or any other storage that implements ISaverAdapter.

You can check it out how to do it right below:

from enma import (Enma,

enma = Enma()
manga = enma.get(identifier='manga-wb999684')

downloader = ManganatoDownloader()
local = LocalStorage()

if manga:

Logger Control

By default Enma sets logs as SILENT. But if you're needing to see what Enma outputs you can set log mode as NORMAL or DEBUG to deep logs.

from enma import logger, LogMode

logger.mode = LogMode.NORMAL

Symbolic Links

Enma normally retrieves all information about a manga, including the pages of each chapter. This process can be slow if the manga has many chapters. To speed it up, you can use symbolic links when getting a manga. This way, Enma creates a SymbolicLink instead of fetching all data immediately. You can then use this link to quickly access and fetch data for a specific chapter later.

from enma import Enma

enma = Enma()

doujin = enma.get(identifier='manga-kb951984', with_symbolic_links=True)

# Manga(id='manga-kb951984', 
#       created_at=datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 22, 10, 5), 
#       updated_at=datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 22, 10, 5), 
#       title=Title(english='Monster Musume No Iru Nichijou', 
#                   japanese='モンスター娘のいる日常', 
#                   other='魔物娘的同居日常'), 
#       language=None, 
#       cover=Image(uri='', name='image.jpg', width=0, height=0, mime=<MIME.J: 'jpg'>), 
#       thumbnail=Image(uri='', name='image.jpg', width=0, height=0, mime=<MIME.J: 'jpg'>), 
#       authors=[Author(name='Okayado', id=0)], 
#       genres=[Genre(name='Comedy', id=0), 
#               Genre(name='Fantasy', id=0), 
#               Genre(name='Harem', id=0)], 
#       chapters=[Chapter(id='chapter-84', pages=[], pages_count=0, link=SymbolicLink(link='')), 
#                 Chapter(id='chapter-83', pages=[], pages_count=0, link=SymbolicLink(link=''))], 
#       chapters_count=95)

if doujin is not None:
    chapter_ref = doujin.chapters[0]
    chapter = enma.fetch_chapter_by_symbolic_link(

Retrieving user-agent and cf_clearance for NHentai

To retrieve the user-agent and cf_clearance for NHentai:

  1. Open NHentai in your browser: Navigate to the NHentai website.
  2. Open Developer Tools:
    • For Google Chrome: Right-click on the webpage and select Inspect or simply press Ctrl + Shift + I (or Cmd + Option + I on Mac).
    • For Firefox: Right-click on the webpage and select Inspect Element or press Ctrl + Shift + I (or Cmd + Option + I on Mac).
  3. Navigate to the Network Tab: In the Developer Tools panel, click on the Network tab. This tab captures all network requests made by the webpage.
  4. Reload the Page: With the Network tab open, reload the NHentai website by pressing Ctrl + R (or Cmd + R on Mac). This ensures that all network requests are captured.
  5. Select the Request: After reloading, you'll see a list of files on the left side of the Network tab. Click on the first file named This represents the main request to the NHentai website.
  6. Find the Request Headers: On the right side, you'll see several tabs like Headers, Preview, Response, etc. Make sure you're on the Headers tab. Scroll down until you find a section named Request Headers.
  7. Copy the user-agent and cf_clearance:
    • user-agent: This is a string that tells the server which web browser is being used. Look for an entry named User-Agent and copy its value.
    • cf_clearance: This is a specific cookie set by CloudFlare for security purposes. Look for an entry named cf_clearance and copy its value.



config = CloudFlareConfig(
    user_agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',

Note: The user-agent and cf_clearance values can change over time. If you encounter issues accessing NHentai through the Enma library, you might need to repeat the above steps to get updated values.


While using the library, you might encounter some specific errors. Here's a description of each:

  1. InstanceError:

    • Description: Raised when an instance of an object is not of the expected type.
    • Common Cause: Trying to add a source that isn't an instance of IMangaRepository.
  2. SourceNotAvailable:

    • Description: Raised when attempting to access a source that isn't available in the defined source list.
    • Common Cause: Trying to set a source that hasn't been previously added.
  3. SourceWasNotDefined:

    • Description: Raised when trying to perform an action (like fetching a manga) without first defining a source.
    • Common Cause: Forgetting to set the source before performing an operation.
  4. ExceedRetryCount:

    • Description: Specific to the NHentai adapter. Raised when the random method fails to fetch a random doujin after several attempts.
    • Common Cause: Consecutive failures when trying to fetch a random doujin from NHentai.
  5. NhentaiSourceWithoutConfig:

    • Description: Raised when trying to make a request to NHentai without providing the necessary configurations.
    • Common Cause: Forgetting to provide the user-agent and cf_clearance when configuring the NHentai adapter.
  6. InvalidResource:

    • Description: Raised when trying to perform an action with an invalid or inexistent resource.
    • Common Cause: Providing an inexistent folder path to downloader.
  7. InvalidRequest:

    • Description: Raised when trying to perform an action with an invalid data type.
    • Common Cause: Making an action with wrong parameter data type.

When encountering one of these errors, refer to the description and common cause to assist in troubleshooting.

Future Plans

We are actively working on introducing an asynchronous version of the Enma library to better cater to applications that require non-blocking operations. This version will be maintained in a separate repository to keep the core library lightweight. However, for ease of access and installation, you'll be able to install the asynchronous version directly using:

pip install enma[async]

Stay tuned for updates and ensure to check our repository for the latest advancements!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I add more sources to Enma?
A: Yes! Enma is designed to be extensible. You can add more sources by extending the SourcesEnum and implementing IMangaRepository that contains the required methods for the new source.

Q: I'm facing issues with a specific source. What should I do?
A: Ensure you have the latest version of Enma. If the issue persists, please raise an issue on our GitHub repository detailing the problem.

Q: How often is Enma updated?
A: Enma is updated regularly as new sources are added or when there are significant changes to existing sources.


We welcome contributions! If you'd like to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Submit a pull request.

Ensure you follow the coding standards and write tests for new features.




Enma is a Python library designed to fetch and download manga and doujinshi data from many sources including Manganato and NHentai.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%