Noëlie's repositories
Explorez comment rendre les jeux vidéo accessibles à tous avec des techniques pratiques et des stratégies efficaces. Ce repo accompagne la conférence 'Succès débloqué : rendre son jeu vidéo accessible', offrant des ressources et des conseils pour créer des expériences de jeu inclusives et enrichissantes.
WhiskerWatch is a web application designed to provide comprehensive care and medical information for your beloved cat. As a frequent traveler with your feline companion, you can now have peace of mind knowing that your cat's health and well-being are well-documented and accessible to caregivers when you're away.
Adopt-a-pal is a project for students to learn the basics of web and mobile accessibility. The concept will be to create an application with React.js and to use different tools to make sure that the whole site is functional, but above all accessible.
A simple application that shows a country's population, capital, GDP, currency and area.
ARIA-Masterclasse : Atelier pratique pour maîtriser l'accessibilité web. Découvrez les attributs ARIA et les meilleures pratiques à travers des exemples concrets et des exercices. Apprenez à créer des composants UI accessibles, éviter les pièges courants et tester efficacement.
This project is built around the development of a new discussion service between people from all over the world. In addition to the objectives set by the pedagogical team, it must allow to bring a notion of ethics and social. It is therefore built to bring people from all over the world together in an original way.
CheerUpChamp, a slack bot for employees lacking recognition
Code made in 2014-2015, for some small python defis
All the files of courses, exercises, TP and others realized in the courses of web and mobile development within the cursus of my 3rd year at EEMI. (Digital project manager - web and mobile development speciality)
It's a simple website that allows you to search for a book and add it to some lists. Also, it's using Open Library api, which provide a great source of books and data. Data are stored locally, so your privacy will be protected.
Liste de femmes conférencières et organisatrices de conférences tech. Soumettez une PR si vous souhaitez vous ajouter ou ajouter d'autres personnes !