Noah1989 / mopidy-spotify

Mopidy extension for playing music from Spotify


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Mopidy extension for playing music from Spotify.


  • A Spotify Premium subscription. Mopidy-Spotify will not work with Spotify Free, just Spotify Premium.
  • A non-Facebook Spotify username and password. If you created your account through Facebook you'll need to create a "device password" to be able to use Mopidy-Spotify. Go to, login with your Facebook account, and follow the instructions.
  • libspotify >= 12, < 13. The official C library from the Spotify developer site. The package is available as libspotify12 from
  • pyspotify >= 2.0. The libspotify Python wrapper. The package is available as python-spotify from or pyspotify on PyPI. See for how to install it and its dependencies on most platforms.
  • Mopidy >= 1.1. The music server that Mopidy-Spotify extends.

If you install Mopidy-Spotify from, AUR, or Homebrew, these dependencies are installed automatically.


Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian: Install the mopidy-spotify package from

sudo apt-get install mopidy-spotify

Arch Linux: Install the mopidy-spotify package from AUR:

yaourt -S mopidy-spotify

OS X: Install the mopidy-spotify package from the mopidy/mopidy Homebrew tap:

brew install mopidy-spotify

Else: Install the dependencies listed above yourself, and then install the package from PyPI:

pip install Mopidy-Spotify


Before starting Mopidy, you must add your Spotify Premium username and password to your Mopidy configuration file:

username = alice
password = secret

The following configuration values are available:

  • spotify/enabled: If the Spotify extension should be enabled or not. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/username: Your Spotify Premium username. You must provide this.

  • spotify/password: Your Spotify Premium password. You must provide this.

  • spotify/bitrate: Audio bitrate in kbps. 96, 160, or 320. Defaults to 160.

  • spotify/volume_normalization: Whether volume normalization is active or not. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/timeout: Seconds before giving up waiting for search results, etc. Defaults to 10.

  • spotify/allow_cache: Whether to allow caching. The cache is stored in a "spotify" directory within Mopidy's core/cache_dir. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/allow_network: Whether to allow network access or not. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/allow_playlists: Whether or not playlists should be exposed. Defaults to true.

  • spotify/offline_playlists: Specify which playlists from spotify you wish to mark as 'Available offline'. The tracks for these playlists will be downloaded and available for play back when mopidy is unable to connect to spotify. The option takes a comma separated list of playlists to mark as offline. Items can be regular expression. Examples:

    - offline_playlists = My play list, My list2
        My play list and My list2 playlists will be marked offline
    - offline_playlists = Foo.*
        Match any playlist beginning with Foo   (.* is a wild card)
    - offline_playlists =
        Empty list, no items will be marked offline
  • spotify/search_album_count: Maximum number of albums returned in search results. Number between 0 and 50. Defaults to 20.

  • spotify/search_artist_count: Maximum number of artists returned in search results. Number between 0 and 50. Defaults to 10.

  • spotify/search_track_count: Maximum number of tracks returned in search results. Number between 0 and 50. Defaults to 50.

  • spotify/toplist_countries: Comma separated list of two letter ISO country codes to get toplists for. Defaults to blank, which is interpreted as all countries that Spotify is available in.

  • spotify/private_session: Whether to use a private Spotify session. Turn on private session to disable sharing of played tracks with friends through the Spotify activity feed, scrobbling, and Facebook. This only affects social sharing done by Spotify, not by other Mopidy extensions. Defaults to false.

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Mopidy extension for playing music from Spotify

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%