NoTody / Temporal-MIMIC

A multi-modal time-series dataset created from MIMIC.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains code for generating time-series radiology images and reports data by linking MIMIC-CXR and MIMIC-IV with train/evaluation code for aggregating and fusing representations from both modalities.


Check requirements.txt for dependencies of this repository.

Generation Dataset

Following README in Generation Dataset to generate dataset.

To Run

To run code on one gpu for one machine

torchrun --nnodes 1 --nproc_per_node 1 --master_port 12323 --model_name "vitb16" --batch_size 8 \
    --max_epoch 15 --save_suffix "VIT_early_width768_1hr_imglen1_textlen50_decoder_rope_ep15_s42" --seed 42 \
    --method "decoder" --num_workers 8 --mode "mm_early" \
    --train_path "./dataset/train_impressions_1hr.csv" \
    --val_path "./dataset/val_impressions_1hr.csv" \
    --test_path "./dataset/test_impressions_1hr.csv" \
    --section "impression" --local_rank 0 --pos_encoding "rope" --use_time \
    --img_lr 1e-5 --unpre_lr 1e-4 --text_lr 1e-5 --decoder_layers 3 --patient 15 \
    --run_name "VIT_early_width768_1hr_imglen1_textlen50_decoder_rope_ep15_s42" --project "HAIM" --text_len 200 \
    --text_time_series --img_max_len 1 --text_max_len 50 --grad_clip 3.0 --d_model 768 

where fusion method is Block (--fusion_method "Block"), early multi-modal fusion (--mode "mm_early") is used,
impression section is used for text (--section "impression"), text time series is used (--text_time_series) with text maximum length to be 50 (--text_max_len 50) and image maximum length to be 1 (--img_max_len 1). See arguments in for all argument options.


Haoxu Huang, Cem M. Deniz, Kyunghyun Cho, Sumit Chopra, Divyam Madaan. "Temporal Fine-tuning of Medical Vision-Language Representations". In: NeurIPS Workshop on Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2023


A multi-modal time-series dataset created from MIMIC.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 96.7%Language:Jupyter Notebook 3.3%