Nix7amcm / FCC-Data-Viz-Cert-Projects

These are my projects for the freeCodeCamp Data Visualization certification.

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freeCodeCamp Data Visualization Projects

This is my code for my projects for the freeCodeCamp Data Visualization Certification.

The projects were completed using D3.js, a JavaScript library for creating dynamic and interactive data visualizations in the browser.

I used HTML to create the baseline structure, then the charts were created using D3.js to manipulate the DOM and SVG elements to display the data. Some of the styling was also done with D3.js, then further customised with CSS.

All datasets were provided by freeCodeCamp.

The projects include a bar chart, a scatterplot graph, a heat map, a choropleth map and a treemap.


  1. Bar Chart
  2. Scatterplot Graph
  3. Heat Map
  4. Choropleth Map
  5. Treemap


You can view my certificate here.


These are my projects for the freeCodeCamp Data Visualization certification.


Language:JavaScript 61.3%Language:HTML 20.9%Language:CSS 17.8%