Nitemice / MarvelMailer

Tracks Marvel subscriptions by keeping an eye on issue processing and shipping

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Tracks Marvel subscriptions by keeping an eye on issue processing and shipping


Marvel Mailer is a tool designed to automatically track Marvel mail order subscriptions by scraping the 'My Account' page, and adding events to a calendar when a new issue is processed or shipped.

This is done by storing a record of each subscription's status, which is compared with the current status on the webpage. If a difference is detected, events are dispatched for the status changes.



  • Python 3.5+
  • Various Python packages. See requirements.txt for package list.


  1. Create a OAuth Client ID secret file for accessing your Google Account. For more details instructions, see Google's sample instructions.
    1. Visit Developer Dashboard and create a project.
    2. Enable "Calendar API" for the project.
    3. Add OAuth to the project.
    4. Download the JSON secrets file.
  2. Retrieve your calendar ID
    1. Visit the settings page for the calendar you wish to use.
    2. Grab the calendar ID from the URL. It will look something like:<CalendarIDHere>?pli=1
  3. Retrieve your Marvel Subscription login cookie. The name or key should be marvel_autologin. Exact instruction for retrieving cookies will depend on your browser. See WikiHow for more information.
  4. Add these secrets to your config.json file. See 'Config File Format' for more details.
  5. Add details for each comic subscription to your config.json, by adding a title, short name and issue number from which the subscription starts.


Run python

$ python --help
usage: [-h] [--version] [-q | -s] [config_file]

positional arguments:
  config_file   config file, in JSON format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --version     print version
  -q, --quiet   quiet output
  -s, --silent  silent output

First Run

On first run, you must authorise the application to access your Google account and calendar. This is done by running the application, which will prompt you with a URL to visit, where you will need to login to a Google Account with access to the calendar you want to use, authorise access to the calendar, and copy a code to pass back to the application.

For more technical details, see this article by Google.

Config File Format

A config file is required to specify various necessary operational information. It should match the following basic structure:

  "secrets": {
    "marvel_cookie": "<cookie keys>",
    "calendar_id": "<calendar id>",
    "client_secret_file": "<client secret filename>"
  "subscriptions": [
      "title": "<comic series title>",
      "short_name": "<series short name>",
      "start_from": "<issue number of first received issue>"
  "notifier": {
    "method": "<notification method>",
    "bot_token": "<telegram bot token>",
    "user_id": "<telegram user id>"
  "subscription_file": "<subscription status filename>",
  "expected_delivery_time": "<expected delivery days>"


This section is where all secret information used to perform authentication and event handling is specified.

  • marvel_cookie is your authorization cookie for accessing the Marvel 'My Accounts' page.
  • calendar_id is the unique ID of the calendar you want to add events to.
  • client_secret_file is the filename of the JSON file containing the Google API OAuth credentials tokens, used to access the Google Calendar API.


This section is where the details of each Marvel subscription are specified.

  • title is the title of the comic series, as it appears on the 'My Accounts' page.
  • short_name is a user-chosen alternative name for the comic series. This is used in event titles to reduce the bulk of using full titles.
  • start_from is the issue number of the first issue you received through Marvel subscriptions.


This section allows you to specify how to notify you of warnings and errors. This section is optional, and the console will be used if it is not specified.

  • method specifies the method through which notifications and errors should be sent. Currently, two options are supported:
    • console which uses stdout/stderr. This is the default behaviour.
    • telegram which uses a user-created bot to send messages through the Telegram Messenger API.

If you has elected to use telegram, the following fields must also be specified. More information on how to obtain these details can be found in this article.

  • bot_token is the secret token used by the Telegram bot.
  • user_id is the Telegram ID that should be sent notifications.


  • subscription_file is the filename of the JSON file to be used as the subscription file, where subscriptions' statuses are stored. This field is optional. If not specified, the subscription file will be stored in the OS-specific user data directory.
  • expected_delivery_time is the number of days that a comic usually takes to be delivered after it is marked as shipped on the Marvel 'My Accounts' page. This field is optional. If specified, an additional event will be added to the specified calendar when an issue is shipped, to signify when the issue is expected to arrive. Otherwise, this functionality is disabled.

Here's an example file:

  "secrets": {
    "marvel_cookie": "marvel_autologin=205250250250250213023...;",
    "calendar_id": "",
    "client_secret_file": "data/client_id.json"
  "subscriptions": [
      "title": "Unbeatable Squirrel Girl",
      "short_name": "USG",
      "start_from": "5"
  "notifier": {
    "method": "telegram",
    "bot_token": "999999999:ABC-98pb7hN987yh8nuNYpiugyhgiyo9",
    "user_id": "555555555"
  "subscription_file": "data/issueStatus.json",
  "expected_delivery_time": 14


  • Add option to add event to calendar for expected issue arrival dates
  • Scrape inactive subscriptions to make sure we get the last issue
  • Add alternative output formats
  • Add alternative output destinations
  • Add option to not update the status file
  • Add option for notifications when subscriptions are running out
  • Add notifications for all errors
  • Handle expired calendar authorisation notification/renewal




Tracks Marvel subscriptions by keeping an eye on issue processing and shipping

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%